Minor changes
- feat: register items via context (PR #29393 by ValentinaKozlova)
- feat: create useMotionClassNames hook (PR #29401 by marcosmoura)
- chore: re-exports DialogSurface context types and hooks (PR #29397 by bsunderhus)
- chore: migrate from getNativeElementProps to getIntrinsicElementProps (PR #29387 by bsunderhus)
- bugfix: removes context hooks invocations from styles hook (PR #29396 by bsunderhus)
- chore: exports DialogSurface context types and hooks (PR #29397 by bsunderhus)
- chore: adds style to remove default outline style (PR #29336 by bsunderhus)
- chore: migrate from getNativeElementProps to getIntrinsicElementProps (PR #29387 by bsunderhus)
- chore: migrate from getNativeElementProps to getIntrinsicElementProps (PR #29387 by bsunderhus)
- fix: screenreader narration improvements (PR #29404 by ling1726)
- chore: migrate from getNativeElementProps to getIntrinsicElementProps (PR #29387 by bsunderhus)
- chore: migrate from getNativeElementProps to getIntrinsicElementProps (PR #29387 by bsunderhus)
- fix: Consider all parents as scroll parents (PR #29378 by ling1726)
- chore: migrate from getNativeElementProps to getIntrinsicElementProps (PR #29387 by bsunderhus)
- chore: migrate from getNativeElementProps to getIntrinsicElementProps (PR #29387 by bsunderhus)
- fix(useTableColumnSizing): Removes the measuring div and measures parent (PR #29363 by ling1726)
- chore: adds comments on createCustomFocusIndicatorStyle to explain that the default outline style is not removed (PR #29336 by bsunderhus)
- chore: migrate from getNativeElementProps to getIntrinsicElementProps (PR #29387 by bsunderhus)
- chore: migrate from getNativeElementProps to getIntrinsicElementProps (PR #29387 by bsunderhus)
- chore: migrate from getNativeElementProps to getIntrinsicElementProps (PR #29387 by bsunderhus)
- chore: migrate from getNativeElementProps to getIntrinsicElementProps (PR #29387 by bsunderhus)
- bugfix: ensure TreeItem emits events properly (PR #29390 by bsunderhus)
- Revert fix: useOnScrollOutside should invoke callback on dragging scrollbar (PR #29412 by YuanboXue-Amber)
Prerelease changes
- chore: migrate from getNativeElementProps to getIntrinsicElementProps (PR #29387 by bsunderhus)