github microsoft/fluentui @fluentui/react-charting_v5.23.63
@fluentui/react-charting v5.23.63

latest releases: @fluentui/react-tree_v9.10.3, @fluentui/react-toast_v9.4.3, @fluentui/react-portal-compat_v9.1.4...
one day ago


  • feat: Consume validated plotly schema from chart utility and decouple rendering code from validation and chart mapping (PR #34025 by AtishayMsft)
  • Bump @fluentui/chart-utilities to v1.1.1 (PR #34040 by Hotell)
  • Bump @fluentui/theme-samples to v8.7.202 (PR #34040 by Hotell)
  • Bump @fluentui/react to v8.122.13 (PR #34040 by Hotell)

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