github microsoft/fluentui @fluentui/react-charting_v5.19.21
@fluentui/react-charting v5.19.21

latest releases: @fluentui/web-components_v3.0.0-beta.34, @fluentui/utilities_v8.15.11, @fluentui/theme_v2.6.54...
4 months ago


  • Sankey Diagram: Improving how the aria-labels are generated so that they can be read by the text-to-speech engine (PR #30447 by StarTether)
  • Bump @fluentui/theme-samples to v8.7.135 (PR #30467 by khmakoto)
  • Bump @fluentui/react to v8.115.4 (PR #30467 by khmakoto)

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