github microsoft/checkedc-clang v0.7-devbuild-2018-04-12
2018-04-12 Developer build of Checked C clang compiler

This is a developer build of the Checked C clang compiler. It is for use by developers who want to try out the Checked C extension while it is being implemented. We do not recommend using this compiler in production environments because core extension features are still under active development.

See the Checked C clang users manual for directions on how to use the compiler.

  • The binaries are installers for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions of the compiler
  • The compiler will be installed in a separate directory from your existing clang install. If you are also using the production version of clang, do not add the Checked C version to your path.

Extension features implemented

See the implementation roadmap and status. Some runtime checks and a lot of the static checking is not implemented yet.

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