github microsoft/botbuilder-python 4.10.0
Bot Framework SDK for Python 4.10

latest releases: 4.16.0, 4.15.1, 4.15.0...
3 years ago

August 2020 (version 4.10.0)

Welcome to the August 2020 release of the Bot Framework SDK. We are introducing some exciting Additional New Features with Updates and Enhancements. This milestone we focused on all-up quality and engineering debt, broken down across the following pillars:

  • Documentation Includes improvements to existing documentation and net new documentation centered on recurring issues and developer pain points.

  • Customer Supportability Improvements focused on developers seeking assistance using the Bot Framework, tools and SDKs.

  • Customer Ask Implemented enhancements and feature requests from the developer community and 3rd parties using the Bot Framework SDK and tools.

  • Code Quality Enforcement of code styling and format rules, increased testing code coverage, and functional tests.

  • Team Agility Improved validation of SDK code and integration with supporting libraries and environments. Continuous integarion and build pipleline improvements.

Insiders: Want to try new features as soon as possible? You can download the nightly Insiders build [C#] [JS] [Python] [CLI] and try the latest updates as soon as they are available. And for the latest Bot Framework news, updates, and content, follow us on Twitter @msbotframework!


BF Docs GitHub

Following feedback from customers and the Bot Framework Support Team, a number of net new documents have been written as well as updates to existing documentation. These are helpful towards providing answers and information relating to recurring issues from bot developers.

  • Code comment documentation
  • Samples readme improvements
  • SDK repository readme and wiki updates
  • New documents addressing recurring bot developer issues

Customer Supportability

BF Supportability GitHub

Developers using the Microsoft Bot Framework have many avenues for getting help. See additional resources Internal tools have been improved to increase the responsiveness of the engineering team in areas of most interest to developers.

  • Creation of internal bots and improved tools for customer support
  • Improved analytics of trends in customer reported feature requests and issues
  • Coordination of labels across GitHub repositories

Customer Ask

BF Customer Ask GitHub

  • Additional Teams channel lifecycle events
  • Improved Application Insights integration
  • Coordination of labels across Git Hub repositories
  • Add Locale to ConversationUpdate
  • Update CardAction to support alt text for images on buttons
  • Update Skill Handler to return Resource Response
  • Release of library using latest Azure Blobs storage
  • Enable custom fields for Entity
  • Fixes to OAuthPrompt timeout and addition of EndOnInvalidMessage
  • Various bug fixes and telemetry improvements

Code Quality

  • Analyzer rules in place and running (code style and format)
  • Unit test code coverage and quality
  • Increased profiling of the code base
  • Swagger file unified across SDK repositories and version # introduced
  • Specific SDKs asks and needs:
    • Settings object pattern for C# adapters
    • LG dependent files testing (C#)
    • Dependency policing (JS)
    • Integration tests with Direct Line JS and adaptive cards

Team Agility

BF Team Agility GitHub

Improvements have been made across SDK repositories towards decreased CI pipeline times, improved testing, including both functional integration and unit tests.


  • Reduce time to build for SDKs (local and remote)​
  • Reduce SDK unit test duration through refactoring and/or concurrent approaches​
  • Refactor ADO pipelines into smaller, separate jobs or stages​
  • Run as-applicable pipelines (e.g. no style-checks on .yaml files)​


  • Refine or replace current monorepo/”mono-solution” setups as necessary​
  • Address nondeterministic build/test failures
  • Enable continuous integration for forked pull request submissions
  • Complete integration tests added with bots dynamically created

Other Updates and Enhancements

  • Microsoft Teams Continued improvements to Microsoft Teams API support
  • Bot Framework CLI Tools Lg added as core plugin, publish preview builds to npm, other improvements
  • Bot Builder Samples Readme updates, CI improvements, new Teams Typescript samples
  • Composer Advancements in Skills support and Cognitive Services integration
  • Web Chat Many Accessibility improvements
  • Emulator Bug fixes and updates

Microsoft Teams

  • SDK and OAuthPrompt now support Teams SSO
  • Increased Adaptive Dialog support for Teams events
  • SDK supprot for lifecyle events: ChannelRestored, TeamArchived, TeamUnarchived,TeamRestored, TeamDeleted, and TeamHardDeleted
  • InstallationUpdate activity type support
  • LinkToMessage added to MessageActionsPayload

Bot Framework CLI Tools

  • Lg added as BF-CLI core plugin
  • Enhancements and fixes to lu parser
  • QnaMaker support extended
  • Publish daily builds and RCs of botframework-cli to npm


  • Readme updates and consolidation across language samples
  • Build pipelines for samples CI
  • Demonstreate using Locale in ConversationUpdate welcome message sample
  • Additional Teams samples in Typescript
  • Teams TaskModule samples now includes HTML/JavaScript task modules


  • The Bot Framework SDK continues to support the Bot Framework Composer.

See Composer 1.1.1 Release Notes

Web Chat

  • Many accessibility improvements and fixes
  • Group activity by timestamp and sender
  • Convert emoticon to Emoji
  • Added scrolling API: allow save/restore scroll position and scroll to specific activity


  • Added an additional log panel entry on conversation start that displays the current bot's endpoint
  • Fixed a bug where trying to open the sign-in link on an OAuth card when ngrok was not configured would cause the Windows File Explorer to open
  • Improved to more accurately reflect requisites to build the Emulator from source
  • Updates to Cosmos DB service editor dialog

Additional New SDK Features

Changelog for v4.10.0:

  • Add end_on_invalid_message and fix timeout issue [PR 1339]
  • Refactored SkillDialog to call ConversationFacotry.CreateConversationId only once [PR 1326]
  • Fixes Unauthorized error when calling ContinueConversation [PR 1312]
  • Update azure-cosmos to 3.2.0 [PR 1303]
  • Create [PR 1293]
  • SSO + Teams cherry pick from 4.9 [PR 1286]
  • Add a constant for "empty speak tag" [PR 1274]
  • Jwiley84/assertnoreply [PR 1273]
  • Added InstallationUpdate Activity type handling [PR 1272]
  • Fix broken link to LICENSE [PR 1264]
  • Adding unit tests to TeamsInfo [PR 1260]
  • Added coverage report to the pipeline [PR 1256]
  • Updated README to include info about pylint and black [PR 1255]
  • correcting none check to check parameter [PR 1254]
  • Add Teams specific telemetry properties [PR 1251]
  • [Engineering] update CODEOWNERS [PR 1250]
  • Make ActivityPrompt a normal class - remove ABC [PR 1247]
  • Implement hash for App Insights session ID [PR 1244]
  • Changed Python versions to always use latest on Azure [PR 1243]
  • Add support for skill OAuthCard to Emulator and WebChat [PR 1241]
  • return ResourceResponse [PR 1240]
  • Potential arlington support for the future [PR 1231]
  • Adding use_bot_state [PR 1227]
  • Initial CODEOWNERS [PR 1225]
  • Fix typo [PR 1224]
  • Update telemetry logger to include attachments [PR 1221]
  • Added ApplicationInsights Queue size setting [PR 1220]
  • [PORT] Fix bot state so that the context service key is used consistently to access the cached state [PR 1219]
  • Additional channel/chat lifecycle events [PR 1213]
  • Add channel restored event [PR 1212]
  • Remove Slack from the list of channels that support Suggested Actions [PR 1207]
  • Slack adapter updates for dialog interactions [PR 1205]
  • Removed Python V2 models, updated copyright on all schema code. [PR 1198]
  • Add CardAction imageAltText [PR 1196]
  • Added missing dialogs export in ai.qna [PR 1189]
  • Fix doc comment for on_prompt [PR 1183]
  • Add ActivityEx implementation [PR 1182]
  • R10 reference doc fixes [PR 1181]
  • Adding dependencies to [PR 1178]
  • Updates to readme [PR 1171]
  • Add linkToMessage to the MessageActionsPayload model [PR 1167]
  • Add e_tag to storeItems tests [PR 1149]
  • Add aadGroupId to TeamInfo [PR 1145]
  • Adding community docs as per guidelines [PR 1132]
  • Set up CI with Azure Pipelines [PR 1102]
  • Upgrade python to 3.8.3. [PR 1100]
  • Possible fix for BotBuilder-Python-Functional-Tests-Linux-yaml build error [PR 1076]
  • Hardened prompts [PR 1074]
  • Updated requests to 2.23.0, pinned more dependencies [PR 1071]
  • Adding TeamsInfo to on_teams_member_removed [PR 1069]
  • Do NOT call TeamsInfo.get_member for the bot: cherry pick 4.9 fix (#1066) [PR 1067]
  • Create [PR 1061]
  • SkillDialog activity type handling updates [PR 1057]

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