github microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks v226

latest releases: v237, v236, v234...
11 months ago

Sprint 226

AppCenterDistribute (V1)

  • AppCenterDistributeV1 and AppCenterDistributeV2: use public npm registry (#18642) (2023-08-02)

AppCenterDistribute (V2)

  • AppCenterDistributeV1 and AppCenterDistributeV2: use public npm registry (#18642) (2023-08-02)

AzureAppServiceManage (V0)

  • AzureAppServiceManageV0 Node16 migration (#18707) (2023-07-27)

AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment (V1)

  • Split storage AccountKey from storage account string (#18687) (2023-07-24)

AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment (V2)

  • Update localization [07/25/23] (#18691) (2023-07-27)

AzureFileCopy (V1)

  • Move validation logic to common module (#18646) (2023-07-21)
  • Enhancement: Replace Simple String Split with Intelligent Argument Splitting (#18686) (2023-07-25)
  • WI 2048209 (RM) (#18749) (2023-08-04)
  • Missing mock tests are added (#18770) (2023-08-04)

AzureFileCopy (V2)

  • Move validation logic to common module (#18646) (2023-07-21)
  • Enhancement: Replace Simple String Split with Intelligent Argument Splitting (#18686) (2023-07-25)
  • WI 2048209 (RM) (#18749) (2023-08-04)

AzureFileCopy (V3)

  • Move validation logic to common module (#18646) (2023-07-21)
  • Enhancement: Replace Simple String Split with Intelligent Argument Splitting (#18686) (2023-07-25)
  • WI 2048209 (RM) (#18749) (2023-08-04)

AzureFileCopy (V4)

  • Move validation logic to common module (#18646) (2023-07-21)
  • Enhancement: Replace Simple String Split with Intelligent Argument Splitting (#18686) (2023-07-25)
  • WI 2048209 (RM) (#18749) (2023-08-04)

AzureFileCopy (V5)

  • Move validation logic to common module (#18646) (2023-07-21)
  • Enhancement: Replace Simple String Split with Intelligent Argument Splitting (#18686) (2023-07-25)
  • WI 2048209 (RM) (#18749) (2023-08-04)

AzureFunctionAppContainer (V1)

  • [AzureFunctionAppContainerV1] Update to Node16_225 build config (#18699) (2023-07-28)

AzureFunctionApp (V1)

  • AzureFunctionAppV1 Node16 migration (#18550) (2023-07-25)

AzureFunctionApp (V2)

  • AzureFunctionAppV2 Node16 migration (#18695) (2023-07-26)
  • Update localization [07/28/23] (#18729) (2023-08-02)

AzureFunctionOnKubernetes (V0)

  • [AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0/V1] Update task to node16 using codegen (#18677) (2023-07-24)

AzureFunctionOnKubernetes (V1)

  • [AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0/V1] Update task to node16 using codegen (#18677) (2023-07-24)
  • Update localization [07/28/23] (#18729) (2023-08-02)

AzureIoTEdge (V2)

  • [AzureIoTEdgeV2] Update to Node 16 (#18557) (2023-07-19)

AzureKeyVault (V1)

  • AzureKeyVaultV1 Node16 migration (#18709) (2023-07-27)

AzureKeyVault (V2)

  • AzureKeyVaultV2 Node16 migration (#18710) (2023-07-27)

AzureMysqlDeployment (V1)

  • [AzureMysqlDeploymentV1] Switch to Node16_225 build config (#18635) (2023-07-27)

AzureNLBManagement (V1)

  • [AzureNLBManagementV1] Update task to node16 using build config gen (#18719) (2023-07-28)

AzurePowerShell (V4)

  • AzurePowerShellV4 Node16 migration (#18713) (2023-07-27)

AzurePowerShell (V5)

  • AzurePowerShellV5 Node16 migration (#18714) (2023-07-27)

AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)

  • Update localization [07/25/23] (#18691) (2023-07-27)
  • [AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2] Update task to node16 using build config gen (#18718) (2023-07-28)

AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)

  • [AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeploymentV3] Update to Node 16 using build config gen (#18741) (2023-08-07)

AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V3)

  • [AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/V4] Update task to node16 using codegen (#18675) (2023-07-26)

AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)

  • [AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/V4] Update task to node16 using codegen (#18675) (2023-07-26)

AzureSpringCloud (V0)

  • [AzureSpringCloudV0] Update task to node16 using build config gen (#18721) (2023-07-28)

AzureStaticWebApp (V0)

  • [AzureStaticWebAppV0] Update task to node16 using build config gen (#18723) (2023-07-28)

AzureVmssDeployment (V0)

  • [AzureVmssDeploymentV0] Update to Node16 (#18565) (2023-07-19)

AzureWebAppContainer (V1)

  • [AzureWebAppContainerV1] Update task to node16 using build config gen (#18722) (2023-07-28)

Bash (V3)

  • use @tsconfig/node10 (#18111) (2023-08-02)
  • wi-2048209 (#18669) (2023-07-24)
  • WI 2048209 (#18744) (2023-08-04)

BatchScript (V1)

  • wi-2048209 (#18669) (2023-07-24)

CargoAuthenticate (V0)

  • [CargoAuthenticationV0] Switch to Node16_225 build config (#18634) (2023-07-19)

DownloadBuildArtifacts (V0)

  • [DownloadBuildArtifactsV0] Update to Node 16 using build config gen (#18751) (2023-08-07)

DownloadFileshareArtifacts (V0)

  • [DownloadFileshareArtifactsV1] Update to Node 16 (#18558) (2023-07-19)

DownloadFileshareArtifacts (V1)

  • [DownloadFileshareArtifactsV1] Update to Node 16 (#18558) (2023-07-19)

DownloadPackage (V0)

  • Deprecating NugetInstallerV0 and DownloadPackageV0 tasks (#18599) (2023-07-20)

DuffleInstaller (V0)

  • [DuffleInstallerV0] Update to Node using 16 build config gen (#18740) (2023-08-07)

HelmDeploy (V0)

  • HelmDeployV0 Node16 migration (#18545) (2023-07-25)
  • Do not call kubelogin if external authentication is used, when connectionType = 'None' (#18683) (2023-08-02)
  • Update HelmDeployV0 kubeconfig file for multiple tasks scenarios (#18701) (2023-07-28)
  • Update localization [07/28/23] (#18729) (2023-08-02)

IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V0)

  • [IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0] Update to Node 16 using build config gen (#18742) (2023-08-07)

JavaToolInstaller (V0)

  • Update localization [07/25/23] (#18691) (2023-07-27)

KubectlInstaller (V0)

  • [KubectlInstallerV0] Update to Node16_225 build config (#18698) (2023-07-27)

KubernetesManifest (V0)

  • [KubernetesManifestV0/V1] Update task to node16 using codegen (#18674) (2023-07-24)

KubernetesManifest (V1)

  • [KubernetesManifestV0/V1] Update task to node16 using codegen (#18674) (2023-07-24)

NuGetAuthenticate (V0)

  • [NuGetAuthenticateV0] Update to Node 16 using build config gen (#18743) (2023-08-07)

NuGetInstaller (V0)

  • Deprecating NugetInstallerV0 and DownloadPackageV0 tasks (#18599) (2023-07-20)

NuGet (V0)

  • [NuGetV0] Update task to node16 using build config gen (#18720) (2023-07-28)

PackerBuild (V0)

  • cg fix for PackerBuildV0 (#18737) (2023-08-02)

PowerShell (V2)

  • wi-2048209 (#18669) (2023-07-24)
  • WI 2048209 (#18744) (2023-08-04)

PublishCodeCoverageResults (V1)

  • PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1 Node16 migration (#18547) (2023-07-26)

PublishSymbols (V2)

  • PublishSymbolsV2 Node16 migration (#18549) (2023-07-26)

Ssh (V0)

  • wi-2048209 (#18669) (2023-07-24)
  • WI 2048209 (#18744) (2023-08-04)

UseDotNet (V2)

  • [UseDotNetV2] Update task to node16 using codegen (#18676) (2023-07-24)

WindowsMachineFileCopy (V1)

  • Enhancement: Replace Simple String Split with Intelligent Argument Splitting (#18686) (2023-07-25)
  • WI 2048209 (RM) (#18749) (2023-08-04)

WindowsMachineFileCopy (V2)

  • Enhancement: Replace Simple String Split with Intelligent Argument Splitting (#18686) (2023-07-25)
  • WI 2048209 (RM) (#18749) (2023-08-04)

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