github microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks v194

latest releases: v250, v249, v248...
19 months ago

Sprint 194

AzureAppServiceSettings (V1)

  • Azure App Service Settings task does not overwrite values as expected (#15387) (2021-10-07)

AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)

  • Update ARG Task versions (#15313) (2021-09-22)

AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)

  • Update ARG Task versions (#15313) (2021-09-22)

JavaToolInstaller (V0)

  • Fixed the path to folder destination of download with JDK file (#15314) (2021-10-06)
  • Fixed and added unit tests for JavaToolInstallerV0 task (#15355) (2021-10-07)

MavenAuthenticate (V0)

  • [MavenAuthenticateV0] Migrated to Node10 (#15322) (2021-09-28)

Npm (V0)

  • add telemetry to npmV0 task (#15370) (2021-10-06)

PublishSymbols (V2)

  • [PublishSymbolsV2] Add support for IndexableFileFormats flag on symbol.exe (#15259) (2021-09-21)

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