github microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks v193

latest releases: v250, v249, v248...
19 months ago

Sprint 193

AzureIoTEdge (V2)

  • iotedgedev version update for Edge runtime 1.2 (#15222) (2021-09-14)

NuGetAuthenticate (V0)

  • Update artifacts cred provider to 0.1.28 used by NuGetCommandV2 and NuGetAuthenticateV0 (#15303) (2021-09-20)

NuGetCommand (V2)

  • Update artifacts cred provider to 0.1.28 used by NuGetCommandV2 and NuGetAuthenticateV0 (#15303) (2021-09-20)

PowerShell (V2)

  • PowerShell task should configure logging streams (#15069) (2021-09-21)

PublishSymbols (V2)

  • Adjust the relative source file path when indexing sources in a multi… (#15029) (2021-09-17)

PublishTestResults (V1)

  • Update Publish Test Results Task with task-library package (#15279) (2021-09-15)

VSBuild (V1)

  • Add unit tests for Get-VSPath for VSBuildV1 (#15293) (2021-09-20)

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