github microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks v192

latest releases: v250, v249, v248...
19 months ago

Sprint 192

AndroidSigning (V2)

  • Update versions of "azure-pipelines-tasks-securefiles-common" in tasks to get rid of high vulnerabilities (#15218) (2021-09-01)

AndroidSigning (V3)

  • Update versions of "azure-pipelines-tasks-securefiles-common" in tasks to get rid of high vulnerabilities (#15218) (2021-09-01)

AzureCLI (V2)

  • [AzureCLIV2] Aggregating multiple error lines into single line (#15241) (2021-09-02)

AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)

  • Updated arm api version (#15168) (2021-08-24)

AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)

  • Updated arm api version (#15168) (2021-08-24)

CondaEnvironment (V0)

  • [CondaEnvironmentV0] Migrated to Node10 (#15249) (2021-09-07)

CondaEnvironment (V1)

  • [CondaEnvironmentV1] Migrated to Node10 (#15247) (2021-09-07)

Docker (V0)

  • Updated version of the package azure-pipelines-tasks-docker-common-v2 from 2.0.4 to 2.0.6 (#15176) (2021-08-25)

Docker (V1)

  • Updated version of the package azure-pipelines-tasks-docker-common-v2 from 2.0.4 to 2.0.6 (#15176) (2021-08-25)

Docker (V2)

  • Updated version of the package azure-pipelines-tasks-docker-common-v2 from 2.0.4 to 2.0.6 (#15176) (2021-08-25)

DownloadBuildArtifacts (V0)

  • Switched DownloadBuildArtifactV0 to agent plugin. Aligned DownloadBuildArtifactV1 task with V0 (#15244) (2021-09-06)

DownloadBuildArtifacts (V1)

  • Add new task: DownloadBuildArtifactsV1 (#14560) (2021-08-24)
  • Switched DownloadBuildArtifactV0 to agent plugin. Aligned DownloadBuildArtifactV1 task with V0 (#15244) (2021-09-06)

DownloadSecureFile (V1)

  • Update versions of "azure-pipelines-tasks-securefiles-common" in tasks to get rid of high vulnerabilities (#15218) (2021-09-01)

Gradle (V3)

  • Add GradleV3 task to fix invalid demands issue (#15174) (2021-08-23)

InstallAppleCertificate (V2)

  • Update versions of "azure-pipelines-tasks-securefiles-common" in tasks to get rid of high vulnerabilities (#15218) (2021-09-01)

InstallAppleProvisioningProfile (V1)

  • Update versions of "azure-pipelines-tasks-securefiles-common" in tasks to get rid of high vulnerabilities (#15218) (2021-09-01)

InstallSSHKey (V0)

  • Update versions of "azure-pipelines-tasks-securefiles-common" in tasks to get rid of high vulnerabilities (#15218) (2021-09-01)

JavaToolInstaller (V0)

  • Update dependencies in JavaToolInstallerV0 task (#15215) (2021-08-30)

JenkinsQueueJob (V2)

  • Add retry logic to JenkinsQueueJobV2 (#15211) (2021-08-26)
  • bump version (#15227) (2021-08-27)

MSBuild (V1)

  • Add VS2022 to the picklist for VSBuild, MSBuild, XamarinAndroid tasks (#15179) (2021-08-20)

Maven (V2)

  • Update packaging-common package version in Maven tasks (#15214) (2021-08-31)

Maven (V3)

  • Update packaging-common package version in Maven tasks (#15214) (2021-08-31)

NodeTool (V0)

  • Update versions of dependencies in NodeToolV0, UseNodeV1, UsePythonVersionV0, UseRubyVersionV0, XCodeV5 tasks to get rid of high vulnerabilities (#15216) (2021-08-31)

PublishTestResults (V2)

  • Updates PublishTestResults task version (#15165) (2021-08-24)
  • Update PTR Task Version (#15229) (2021-08-27)

ShellScript (V2)

  • [ShellScriptV2] Migrated to Node10 (#15228) (2021-08-31)

UseNode (V1)

  • Update versions of dependencies in NodeToolV0, UseNodeV1, UsePythonVersionV0, UseRubyVersionV0, XCodeV5 tasks to get rid of high vulnerabilities (#15216) (2021-08-31)

UsePythonVersion (V0)

  • Update versions of dependencies in NodeToolV0, UseNodeV1, UsePythonVersionV0, UseRubyVersionV0, XCodeV5 tasks to get rid of high vulnerabilities (#15216) (2021-08-31)

UseRubyVersion (V0)

  • Update versions of dependencies in NodeToolV0, UseNodeV1, UsePythonVersionV0, UseRubyVersionV0, XCodeV5 tasks to get rid of high vulnerabilities (#15216) (2021-08-31)

VSBuild (V1)

  • Add VS2022 to the picklist for VSBuild, MSBuild, XamarinAndroid tasks (#15179) (2021-08-20)

XamarinAndroid (V1)

  • Add VS2022 to the picklist for VSBuild, MSBuild, XamarinAndroid tasks (#15179) (2021-08-20)

Xcode (V5)

  • Update versions of dependencies in NodeToolV0, UseNodeV1, UsePythonVersionV0, UseRubyVersionV0, XCodeV5 tasks to get rid of high vulnerabilities (#15216) (2021-08-31)

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