github microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks v188

latest releases: v250, v249, v248...
19 months ago

Sprint 188

AndroidSigning (V2)

  • [AndroidSigningV2][AndroidSigningV3][DownloadSecureFileV1] Update task lib version (#14883) (2021-06-03)

AndroidSigning (V3)

  • [AndroidSigningV2][AndroidSigningV3][DownloadSecureFileV1] Update task lib version (#14883) (2021-06-03)

ArchiveFiles (V2)

  • [ArchiveFilesV2]Change default value for sevenZipCompression option (#14919) (2021-06-03)

AzureIoTEdge (V2)

  • Update Azure IoT extension to 0.10.11 (#14926) (2021-06-03)

AzureKeyVault (V2)

  • Encode only when decode is true (#14946) (2021-06-08)

AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)

  • Users/diaggarw/update doc (#14872) (2021-05-25)

AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)

  • Users/diaggarw/update doc (#14872) (2021-05-25)

CMake (V1)

  • [CMakeV1][MSbuildV1] Update task lib version (#14878) (2021-05-26)

CopyFiles (V2)

  • [Copy Files] Fixed issue with timestamp (#14856) (2021-05-24)
  • [CopyFilesV2] Added 'ignoreMakeDirErrors' - to be able to ignore errors during target folder creation (#14914) (2021-06-04)
  • Fixed retry logic for CopyFilesV2 task (#14938) (2021-06-08)

Docker (V0)

  • [Port to master]: Fixing DockerV0 and DockerV1 issue - Cannot read property 'retrieveSecret' of undefined (#14861) (2021-05-20)

Docker (V1)

  • [Port to master]: Fixing DockerV0 and DockerV1 issue - Cannot read property 'retrieveSecret' of undefined (#14861) (2021-05-20)

DownloadBuildArtifacts (V0)

  • Added variable to force enable download zip option on windows (#14867) (2021-05-25)
  • [DownloadBuildArtifactsV0] Update OSS dependencies (#14875) (2021-05-26)
  • ArtifactEngine version bumped up in DownloadBuildArtifacts task (#14898) (2021-05-28)

DownloadSecureFile (V1)

  • [AndroidSigningV2][AndroidSigningV3][DownloadSecureFileV1] Update task lib version (#14883) (2021-06-03)

JavaToolInstaller (V0)

  • [JavaToolInstallerV0] Upgrade azp-tasks-az-blobstorage-provider-v2 (#14887) (2021-05-28)

MSBuild (V1)

  • [CMakeV1][MSbuildV1] Update task lib version (#14878) (2021-05-26)

UniversalPackages (V0)

  • Hotfix/upack existing package (#14489) (2021-05-26)

UsePythonVersion (V0)

  • fix: improve grammar of ExactVersionNotRecommended messages (#14870) (2021-05-26)

UseRubyVersion (V0)

  • fix: improve grammar of ExactVersionNotRecommended messages (#14870) (2021-05-26)

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