github microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks v187

latest releases: v250, v249, v248...
19 months ago

Sprint 187

AzureAppServiceSettings (V1)

  • Updating common package version for wrong annotaton category fix (#14829) (2021-05-13)

AzureFunctionAppContainer (V1)

  • Updating common package version for wrong annotaton category fix (#14829) (2021-05-13)

AzureFunctionApp (V1)

  • Updating common package version for wrong annotaton category fix (#14829) (2021-05-13)

AzureStaticWebApp (V0)

  • Updated AzureStaticWebAppV0 to add compatibility for api token as task input (#14798) (2021-05-07)

AzureWebAppContainer (V1)

  • Updating common package version for wrong annotaton category fix (#14829) (2021-05-13)

AzureWebApp (V1)

  • Updating common package version for wrong annotaton category fix (#14829) (2021-05-13)

Docker (V0)

  • Adding base image info as labels DockerV0 (#14788) (2021-05-13)
  • Sharing the image id that was built V0 (#14833) (2021-05-12)

Docker (V1)

  • Annotate base image info in docker v1 (#14791) (2021-05-12)
  • share the image id that was built V1 (#14834) (2021-05-12)

Docker (V2)

  • Annotate base image info DockerV2 (#14695) (2021-05-13)
  • Parse the build output and share the built image id (#14785) (2021-05-12)
  • Removed not used functions (#14843) (2021-05-19)

DotNetCoreCLI (V2)

  • Users/shrverm/pickup new packaging common (#14832) (2021-05-11)

DownloadBuildArtifacts (V0)

  • Reverted OSS dependencies update for DownloadBuildArtifactsV0 task due to breaking change in decompress-zip (#14835) (2021-05-12)
  • [DownloadBuildArtifactsV0] Normalize download path (#14849) (2021-05-20)

JavaToolInstaller (V0)

  • Allow not to create subdirectory for jdk extraction (#14847) (2021-05-20)

Npm (V0)

  • Users/shrverm/pickup new packaging common (#14832) (2021-05-11)

Npm (V1)

  • Users/shrverm/pickup new packaging common (#14832) (2021-05-11)

XamarinAndroid (V1)

  • [XamarinAndroidV1] Add MSBuild 16.0 option for msbuildVersion input (#14842) (2021-05-18)

Xcode (V5)

  • Added secondary location check for pbxProject (#14588) (2021-05-18)

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