Sprint 166
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
- [ARG V2, V3]correcting implicit set to incremental mode (#12360) (2020-02-20)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
- [ARG V2, V3]correcting implicit set to incremental mode (#12360) (2020-02-20)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
- Fix for 'failure to clean folder' (#12386) (2020-02-19)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- Updated null check to include cron jobs for container updates (#12304) (2020-02-11)
- Adding null checks to updateImageDetails function (#12347) (2020-02-13)
MavenAuthenticate (V0)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
Maven (V2)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
Maven (V3)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
NpmAuthenticate (V0)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
Npm (V0)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
Npm (V1)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
PublishTestResults (V2)
- Update PTR Task version to 2.165.2 (#12314) (2020-02-07)
VsTest (V2)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 2.166.0 (#12361) (2020-02-14)
Xcode (V5)
- Avoid var in task "xcode" (#10121) (2020-02-18)