Sprint 154
AndroidSigning (V2)
- Add optional retry count input to DownloadSecureFile (#10927) (2019-07-18)
AndroidSigning (V3)
- Add optional retry count input to DownloadSecureFile (#10927) (2019-07-18)
AppCenterDistribute (V3)
- Clarify helpMarkdown for the 'appFile' input (#10976) (2019-07-23)
AppCenterTest (V1)
- Initial README for AppCenterTest (#9993) (2019-07-25)
AzureCLI (V1)
- updated documentation for inline script and addSpnTpEnvironment (#10913) (2019-07-17)
AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment (V1)
- Add UI Enhancements (#10832) (2019-07-11)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
- Use WebSite_Enable_sync_update_site value along with App settings update to avoid polling (#10973) (2019-07-26)
AzureFileCopy (V3)
- Use WebSite_Enable_sync_update_site value along with App settings update to avoid polling (#10973) (2019-07-26)
AzureFunctionAppContainer (V1)
- Changes to kudu logs pushed in deploy task (#10790) (2019-07-16)
- Use WebSite_Enable_sync_update_site value along with App settings update to avoid polling (#10973) (2019-07-26)
AzureFunctionApp (V1)
- Changes to kudu logs pushed in deploy task (#10790) (2019-07-16)
- Use WebSite_Enable_sync_update_site value along with App settings update to avoid polling (#10973) (2019-07-26)
AzureIoTEdge (V2)
- Suppress deployment log generated by Azure CLI (#10783) (2019-07-11)
AzureMysqlDeployment (V1)
- Changes to kudu logs pushed in deploy task (#10790) (2019-07-16)
- Bug 1562196 : File transform task: Default variables used in the transform file option are not supported in YAML pipelines (#10868) (2019-07-17)
- File Transforms - Tight substitute for system prefix variables (#10894) (2019-07-17)
- Use WebSite_Enable_sync_update_site value along with App settings update to avoid polling (#10973) (2019-07-26)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
- Adding localization strings: (#11003) (2019-07-26)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
- Added retry if fetching token for SPN auth fails with status code 403 (#10447) (2019-07-10)
- [ARG task] Log detailed error for extension failure on VMs (#10958) (2019-07-22)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V3)
- Added retry if fetching token for SPN auth fails with status code 403 (#10447) (2019-07-10)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)
- Changes to kudu logs pushed in deploy task (#10790) (2019-07-16)
- Bug 1562196 : File transform task: Default variables used in the transform file option are not supported in YAML pipelines (#10868) (2019-07-17)
- File Transforms - Tight substitute for system prefix variables (#10894) (2019-07-17)
- Use WebSite_Enable_sync_update_site value along with App settings update to avoid polling (#10973) (2019-07-26)
AzureVmssDeployment (V0)
- Added retry if fetching token for SPN auth fails with status code 403 (#10447) (2019-07-10)
AzureWebAppContainer (V1)
- Changes to kudu logs pushed in deploy task (#10790) (2019-07-16)
- Use WebSite_Enable_sync_update_site value along with App settings update to avoid polling (#10973) (2019-07-26)
AzureWebApp (V1)
- Changes to kudu logs pushed in deploy task (#10790) (2019-07-16)
- Use WebSite_Enable_sync_update_site value along with App settings update to avoid polling (#10973) (2019-07-26)
CacheBeta (V0)
- Changing the friendly name to Cache Beta (#10856) (2019-07-09)
DockerCompose (V0)
- [Fix in master]: Docker login issue - Don't pass isSecret to true while setting DOCKER_CONFIG variable in Docker task login. (#10828) (#10897) (2019-07-16)
Docker (V0)
- [Fix in master]: Docker login issue - Don't pass isSecret to true while setting DOCKER_CONFIG variable in Docker task login. (#10828) (#10897) (2019-07-16)
Docker (V1)
- [Fix in master]: Docker login issue - Don't pass isSecret to true while setting DOCKER_CONFIG variable in Docker task login. (#10828) (#10897) (2019-07-16)
Docker (V2)
- [Fix in master]: Docker login issue - Don't pass isSecret to true while setting DOCKER_CONFIG variable in Docker task login. (#10828) (#10897) (2019-07-16)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
- Fix #10888 DotNetCoreCLIV2 pack search pattern help text (#10889) (2019-07-19)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
DownloadGitHubRelease (V0)
- GitHub repository picker support for tasks (#10895) (2019-07-17)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
- Filter deleted and delisted versions from dropdown (#10953) (2019-07-19)
DownloadSecureFile (V1)
- Update "Download Secure File" text (#10837) (2019-07-23)
- Add optional retry count input to DownloadSecureFile (#10927) (2019-07-18)
FileTransform (V1)
- Changes to kudu logs pushed in deploy task (#10790) (2019-07-16)
- Bug 1562196 : File transform task: Default variables used in the transform file option are not supported in YAML pipelines (#10868) (2019-07-17)
- File Transforms - Tight substitute for system prefix variables (#10894) (2019-07-17)
GitHubRelease (V0)
- GitHubReleaseTask: updates L0 Tests (#10849) (2019-07-15)
- GitHub repository picker support for tasks (#10895) (2019-07-17)
HelmDeploy (V0)
- Added use admin creds option for helm deploy task (#10867) (2019-07-11)
- Add optional retry count input to DownloadSecureFile (#10927) (2019-07-18)
IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V0)
- Changes to kudu logs pushed in deploy task (#10790) (2019-07-16)
- Bug 1562196 : File transform task: Default variables used in the transform file option are not supported in YAML pipelines (#10868) (2019-07-17)
- File Transforms - Tight substitute for system prefix variables (#10894) (2019-07-17)
InstallAppleCertificate (V2)
- Add optional retry count input to DownloadSecureFile (#10927) (2019-07-18)
InstallAppleProvisioningProfile (V1)
- Add optional retry count input to DownloadSecureFile (#10927) (2019-07-18)
InstallSSHKey (V0)
- Add optional retry count input to DownloadSecureFile (#10927) (2019-07-18)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
- Added retry if fetching token for SPN auth fails with status code 403 (#10447) (2019-07-10)
JenkinsDownloadArtifacts (V1)
- Added retry if fetching token for SPN auth fails with status code 403 (#10447) (2019-07-10)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- [Fix in master]: Docker login issue - Don't pass isSecret to true while setting DOCKER_CONFIG variable in Docker task login. (#10828) (#10897) (2019-07-16)
- Setting defaultValue of namespace to empty string (#10974) (2019-07-25)
Kubernetes (V0)
- [Fix in master]: Docker login issue - Don't pass isSecret to true while setting DOCKER_CONFIG variable in Docker task login. (#10828) (#10897) (2019-07-16)
Kubernetes (V1)
- [Fix in master]: Docker login issue - Don't pass isSecret to true while setting DOCKER_CONFIG variable in Docker task login. (#10828) (#10897) (2019-07-16)
Maven (V2)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
Maven (V3)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V1)
- Changes to kudu logs pushed in deploy task (#10790) (2019-07-16)
- Bug 1562196 : File transform task: Default variables used in the transform file option are not supported in YAML pipelines (#10868) (2019-07-17)
- File Transforms - Tight substitute for system prefix variables (#10894) (2019-07-17)
NpmAuthenticate (V0)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
Npm (V1)
- Don't show proxy password in NpmV1 task (#10928) (2019-07-17)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
NuGetCommand (V2)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
NuGetPublisher (V0)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
NuGetToolInstaller (V0)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
NuGetToolInstaller (V1)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
NuGet (V0)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
PackerBuild (V0)
- Added retry if fetching token for SPN auth fails with status code 403 (#10447) (2019-07-10)
PackerBuild (V1)
- Added retry if fetching token for SPN auth fails with status code 403 (#10447) (2019-07-10)
- Add Ubuntu 18.04 Base Image (#10606) (2019-07-17)
PipAuthenticate (V0)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
PublishTestResults (V2)
- updating VSTest and PTR tasks (#10883) (2019-07-15)
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)
- Sql configured wait time (#10965) (2019-07-22)
TwineAuthenticate (V0)
- TwinAuthenticate task logs configured registry name (#10862) (2019-07-15)
- Adding retries to most common location service calls (#10931) (2019-07-18)
UseDotNet (V2)
- [DotNetCoreInstaller] add support for respect global.json (#10734) (2019-07-19)
- Removed preview from usedotnet task and bumped version. (#10911) (2019-07-24)
- Fixing casing for package type in UseDotNet (#10915) (2019-07-17)
- adding searching sdk versions in
property of release object. (#10989) (2019-07-24) - Users/hiyada/global json fixes (#10991) (2019-07-25)