Sprint 148
AppCenterDistribute (V3)
- AppCenterDistribute v3 task: add destination type and silent release options (#9759) (2019-03-12)
- Users/eyma/appcenter distribute fix aliases (#9902) (2019-03-21)
AzureAppServiceManage (V0)
- Disable App Service tests (#9803) (2019-03-12)
AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment (V1)
- getvstswebproxy cmdlet not found issue (#9844) (2019-03-15)
AzureFunctionAppContainer (V1)
- Disable App Service tests (#9803) (2019-03-12)
- Azure Functions - Support Linux consumption app deployment (#9818) (2019-03-20)
- Restart Web App Container after config update (#9819) (2019-03-18)
- Re-enable app service tests (#9856) (2019-03-18)
- Azure App Service - windows container deployment support (#9858) (2019-03-20)
- Retry for update deployment status (#9895) (2019-03-22)
AzureFunctionApp (V1)
- Azure Functions - Support Linux consumption app deployment (#9818) (2019-03-20)
- Restart Web App Container after config update (#9819) (2019-03-18)
- Azure App Service - windows container deployment support (#9858) (2019-03-20)
- Retry for update deployment status (#9895) (2019-03-22)
AzurePowerShell (V2)
- getvstswebproxy cmdlet not found issue (#9844) (2019-03-15)
AzurePowerShell (V3)
- getvstswebproxy cmdlet not found issue (#9844) (2019-03-15)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
- getvstswebproxy cmdlet not found issue (#9844) (2019-03-15)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V3)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)
AzureVmssDeployment (V0)
- Update README.md (#9900) (2019-03-22)
AzureWebAppContainer (V1)
- Disable App Service tests (#9803) (2019-03-12)
- Azure Functions - Support Linux consumption app deployment (#9818) (2019-03-20)
- Restart Web App Container after config update (#9819) (2019-03-18)
- Re-enable app service tests (#9856) (2019-03-18)
- Azure App Service - windows container deployment support (#9858) (2019-03-20)
- Retry for update deployment status (#9895) (2019-03-22)
AzureWebApp (V1)
- Azure Functions - Support Linux consumption app deployment (#9818) (2019-03-20)
- Restart Web App Container after config update (#9819) (2019-03-18)
- Azure App Service - windows container deployment support (#9858) (2019-03-20)
- Retry for update deployment status (#9895) (2019-03-22)
DeployVisualStudioTestAgent (V2)
- Soft stop for RFT (#9782) (2019-03-12)
DockerCompose (V0)
- Adding Docker V2 task - Simplify the task inputs for YAML (#9707) (2019-03-15)
Docker (V0)
- Adding Docker V2 task - Simplify the task inputs for YAML (#9707) (2019-03-15)
Docker (V1)
- Adding Docker V2 task - Simplify the task inputs for YAML (#9707) (2019-03-15)
Docker (V2)
- Adding Docker V2 task - Simplify the task inputs for YAML (#9707) (2019-03-15)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
- Added task option to pass a test run title when publishing test results (#9806) (2019-03-15)
DotNetCoreInstaller (V0)
- Added task.json and taskdesign.md for new version of DotNetCoreInstal… (#9729) (2019-03-19)
DotNetCoreInstaller (V1)
- Added task.json and taskdesign.md for new version of DotNetCoreInstal… (#9729) (2019-03-19)
DownloadBuildArtifacts (V0)
- Hot fix download build artifacts task (#9774) (2019-03-11)
DuffleInstaller (V0)
- Added DuffleToolInstaller Task (#9287) (2019-03-07)
GitHubRelease (V0)
- Modifying the logic of uploading assets for proper log statements (#9740) (2019-03-11)
- Logging repository name in telemetry (#9814) (2019-03-18)
- Adding default repository name (#9860) (2019-03-19)
- Correctly detect directories and files in GitHub Release task (#9877) (2019-03-20)
InstallAppleCertificate (V2)
- Increase iOS temporary keychain unlock time to 6 hours (#9906) (2019-03-22)
- Mask temporary keychain password. (#9911) (2019-03-24)
InstallAppleProvisioningProfile (V1)
- Increase iOS temporary keychain unlock time to 6 hours (#9906) (2019-03-22)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- KubernetesManifestV0 - Support for Azure auth type in Kubernetes endpoint. (#9850) (2019-03-18)
Kubernetes (V0)
- KubernetesV0 - changes for Azure auth type in Kubernetes endpoint (#9833) (2019-03-14)
Kubernetes (V1)
- Not calling github APIs to validate version number (#9817) (2019-03-13)
- Make Kubernetes Service Connection as the default type (#9847) (2019-03-15)
NodeTool (V0)
- Add npm capability to NodeTool (#9796) (2019-03-12)
NuGetCommand (V2)
- Use cred provider 0.1.15 (#9828) (2019-03-13)
PackerBuild (V0)
- Use agent's temp directory instead of OS's. (#9786) (2019-03-13)
PackerBuild (V1)
- Use agent's temp directory instead of OS's. (#9786) (2019-03-13)
PublishCodeCoverageResults (V1)
- Updating task lib version as required (#9889) (2019-03-20)
RunDistributedTests (V1)
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)
- SQL logging inconsistent behavior for SQLPackage and Invoke-SqlCmd (#9741) (2019-03-07)
- getvstswebproxy cmdlet not found issue (#9844) (2019-03-15)
- Increase task version (#9857) (2019-03-18)
UsePythonVersion (V0)
- Use Python Version: add support for PyPy and -dev syntax (#9866) (2019-03-19)
- Set bin directory correctly on Windows (#9876) (2019-03-19)
VsTestPlatformToolInstaller (V1)
- Fixed help test in tools installer (#9778) (2019-03-11)
- Updating task lib version as required (#9889) (2019-03-20)
VsTest (V2)
- Update test agent version (#9802) (2019-03-12)
- Updating agent bits in vstest task (#9834) (2019-03-14)
- Updating task lib version as required (#9889) (2019-03-20)
- Bumping up agent version (#9891) (2019-03-20)
Xcode (V5)
- Increase iOS temporary keychain unlock time to 6 hours (#9906) (2019-03-22)