github microsoft/azure-pipelines-agent v4.251.0

pre-release2 days ago


  • Mask base64 values of secrets in pipeline logs (#5030)
  • Add support for AzureLinux 3 to installdependencies (#5036)


  • Fix connection getting disposed (#5039)
  • [Agent] Bug Fix - Fixed Processor Arch Detection in Windows - AB#2232751 (#5049)
  • Handle manual test cases associated with same automated tests (#5064)
  • Adding service principal option in auth types in "config.cmd --help" command (#5071)
  • Updating code owners (#5074)
  • [Agent][Edgio] Remove Azure CDN Cache Commands to Unblock Pipeline Failures Due to Edgio Retirement - AB#2242851 (#5089)


  • [Agent] Support for Windows ARM 64 - AB#2143637 (#5021)
  • [Agent] CI Trigger for Windows ARM 64 - AB#2143637 (#5046)
  • Add Oracle Linux 7+ & Rocky Linux 8+ to supported OS (#5062)
  • Disable Windows ARM64 from the release pipeline and notes (#5080)
  • Create .CodeQL.yml (#5084)

Agent Downloads

Package SHA-256
Windows x64 924fcdedbcd839e815d3d485d6e795f987282df6d5dd0c4bb5e8c532865894f9
Windows x86 4e10addcbcab6f14a69bd5fc5f7175badb6e84ba1ddcbd3b047c333042ff959d
macOS x64 vsts-agent-osx-x64-4.251.0.tar.gz af7c9542a10a6675776bab39ec992920045dd42328f377156992698c48f05981
macOS ARM64 vsts-agent-osx-arm64-4.251.0.tar.gz 3db6393149d1e7fdf2d28216564b56673ca6c5e8ad75e1627426f6795c0e0b4b
Linux x64 vsts-agent-linux-x64-4.251.0.tar.gz 1024313ae139fe0346bd80473417993918e0ad338e79058185c5e5451bc8abfe
Linux ARM vsts-agent-linux-arm-4.251.0.tar.gz 436d4a49e5833758f94db7e2c1128767dd8f30d16d968cc2dfa69db75a8a8deb
Linux ARM64 vsts-agent-linux-arm64-4.251.0.tar.gz f02e8e7f4f4adeabff82a11621f7b1a5a48343a7c7037fd63475fdc107102d26
Linux musl x64 vsts-agent-linux-musl-x64-4.251.0.tar.gz 567fa22f92054c0f0d4815495fc62671abc0b8738e33ea83c575618a8ed3e295
Linux musl ARM64 vsts-agent-linux-musl-arm64-4.251.0.tar.gz e82c727557bdd1f11fb5bbf73f84de87160e514e243de79c916102d6e39797e0

After Download:

Windows x64

C:\> mkdir myagent && cd myagent
C:\myagent> Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem ; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory("$HOME\Downloads\", "$PWD")

Windows x86

C:\> mkdir myagent && cd myagent
C:\myagent> Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem ; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory("$HOME\Downloads\", "$PWD")

macOS x64

~/$ mkdir myagent && cd myagent
~/myagent$ tar xzf ~/Downloads/vsts-agent-osx-x64-4.251.0.tar.gz

macOS ARM64

~/$ mkdir myagent && cd myagent
~/myagent$ tar xzf ~/Downloads/vsts-agent-osx-arm64-4.251.0.tar.gz

Linux x64

~/$ mkdir myagent && cd myagent
~/myagent$ tar xzf ~/Downloads/vsts-agent-linux-x64-4.251.0.tar.gz

Linux ARM

~/$ mkdir myagent && cd myagent
~/myagent$ tar xzf ~/Downloads/vsts-agent-linux-arm-4.251.0.tar.gz

Linux ARM64

~/$ mkdir myagent && cd myagent
~/myagent$ tar xzf ~/Downloads/vsts-agent-linux-arm64-4.251.0.tar.gz

Alpine x64

Note: Node 6 does not exist for Alpine.

~/$ mkdir myagent && cd myagent
~/myagent$ tar xzf ~/Downloads/vsts-agent-linux-musl-x64-4.251.0.tar.gz

Alpine ARM64

Note: Node 6 does not exist for Alpine.

~/$ mkdir myagent && cd myagent
~/myagent$ tar xzf ~/Downloads/vsts-agent-linux-musl-ARM64-4.251.0.tar.gz

Alternate Agent Downloads

Alternate packages below do not include Node 6 & 10 and are only suitable for users who do not use Node 6 & 10 dependent tasks.
See notes on Node version support for more details.

Package SHA-256
Windows x64 fdf6cff168da72f6a83a11188ab3822b005a40f8f45a43daaa33b0c6ee4a4b5d
Windows x86 491da4e94684ea81f105f6533964e11ad3b2f9981837e8a3cd3f46b3eb4235dc
macOS x64 pipelines-agent-osx-x64-4.251.0.tar.gz 68aa6b45953e82a4a518812bdd730d48e211020e42cb2986eac10c93a3c79764
macOS ARM64 pipelines-agent-osx-arm64-4.251.0.tar.gz 0035f8d469981fc655ed3adf2be909741fb4bc60c3183041868a10bd2aa16ae6
Linux x64 pipelines-agent-linux-x64-4.251.0.tar.gz 4c2861c03e386c6dd87467ac9004ad474d4e5295abcee6e7107e46af9bf825b1
Linux ARM pipelines-agent-linux-arm-4.251.0.tar.gz 4f0128a942f5c36dfdd03c7ff26ed90b0fc58039770c8e1df160b0889a43a4ff
Linux ARM64 pipelines-agent-linux-arm64-4.251.0.tar.gz 01a547117206d0a509db7f5e3dedefed025ff8c1fd483db4e89a6377c9058c2e

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