github microsoft/autogen autogenstudio-v0.4.2

latest release: dotnet-v0.4.0-dev.3
one day ago

What's New

This release makes improvements to AutoGen Studio across multiple areas.

Component Validation and Testing

  • Support Component Validation API in AGS in #5503
  • Test components - #5963

In the team builder, all component schemas are automatically validated on save. This way configuration errors (e.g., incorrect provider names) are highlighted early.

In addition, there is a test button for model clients where you can verify the correctness of your model configuration. The LLM is given a simple query and the results are shown.

Gallery Improvements

  • Improved editing UI for tools in AGS by in #5539
  • Anthropic support in AGS #5695

You can now modify teams, agents, models, tools, and termination conditions independently in the UI, and only review JSON when needed. The same UI panel for updating components in team builder is also reused in the Gallery. The Gallery in AGS is now persisted in a database, rather than local storage. Anthropic models supported in AGS.

Observability - LLMCallEvents

  • Enable LLM Call Observability in AGS #5457

You can now view all LLMCallEvents in AGS. Go to settings (cog icon on lower left) to enable this feature.

Token Streaming

  • Add Token Streaming in AGS in #5659

For better developer experience, the AGS UI will stream tokens as they are generated by an LLM for any agent where stream_model_client is set to true.

UX Improvements - Session Comparison

  • AGS - Test Model Component in UI, Compare Sessions in #5963

It is often valuable, even critical, to have a side-by-side comparison of multiple agent configurations (e.g., using a team of web agents that solve tasks using a browser or agents with web search API tools). You can now do this using the compare button in the playground, which lets you select multiple sessions and interact with them to compare outputs.

Experimental Features

There are a few interesting but early features that ship with this release:

  • Authentication in AGS: You can pass in an authentication configuration YAML file to enable user authentication for AGS. Currently, only GitHub authentication is supported. This lays the foundation for a multi-user environment (#5928) where various users can login and only view their own sessions. More work needs to be done to clarify isolation of resources (e.g., environment variables) and other security considerations.
    See the documentation for more details.
  • Local Python Code Execution Tool: AGS now has early support for a local Python code execution tool. More work is needed to test the underlying agentchat implementation

Other Fixes

  • Fixed issue with using AzureSQL DB as the database engine for AGS
  • Fixed cascading delete issue in AGS (ensure runs are deleted when sessions are deleted) #5804 by @victordibia
  • Fixed termination UI bug #5888
  • Fixed DockerFile for AGS by @gunt3001 #5932

Thanks to @ekzhu , @jackgerrits , @gagb, @usag1e, @dominiclachance , @EItanya and many others for testing and feedback

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