github microsoft/TemplateStudio v5.2
v5.2 Release of Template Studio

latest releases: v5.5, v5.4, v5.3...
23 months ago

5.2 July 2022

Template Studio for WinUI (C#)

  • Restored Edit Project functionality now under Add -> New Item (Template Studio) within the Project context menu
    • Due to significant changes in the project templates, we recommend creating a new project with the 5.2 extension and migrating your old project to the new template in order to edit projects
    • Editing existing projects is possible but will require manual changes to resolve merge conflicts and other build issues
  • Added App Notifications support
  • Added MSTest support
  • Integrated WinUIEx to provide additional windowing functionality
    • NavigationView and MenuBar projects now use Mica by default
    • Window position and size are persisted for MSIX apps
    • Set additional properties in MainWindow.xaml or access additional functionality on App.MainWindow
  • Improved code style
    • Enabled ImplicitUsings
    • Enabled Nullable
  • Display in the editor on project creation to improve the Getting Started experience
  • Updated the Core project to .NET 6 from .NET Standard
  • Updated to Windows App SDK 1.1.3
  • Onboarded to localization service to localize more of the Template Studio wizard going forward

Template Studio for WPF

  • Restored Edit Project functionality now under Add -> New Item (Template Studio) within the Project context menu
    • To edit a project created with an earlier version of the extension, add <ImplicitUsings>enable</ImplicitUsings> to the App and Core project files, add <LangVersion>latest</LangVersion> to the Core project file, run Analyze -> Code Cleanup on the solution to remove unnecessary usings, and convert to file-scoped namespace declarations by typing a semicolon after the namespace name in all cs files. You will also need to update CommunityToolkit. using statements to Microsoft.Toolkit..
  • Improved code style
    • Enabled ImplicitUsings
    • Converted to file-scoped namespace declarations

Template Studio for UWP

  • Restored Edit Project functionality now under Add -> New Item (Template Studio) within the Project context menu
Edit Project Menu


Known Issues

  • Editing WinUI projects created with older versions of the extension requires manual changes (#4582)
  • UITestMethods fail in GitHub Actions CI (#4581)
  • Investigate dotnet CLI with MSTest project (#4579)
  • Notification APIs crash for unpackaged, framework-dependent, x86 builds of apps running on x64 machines due to a platform bug with the Main and Singleton packages in the Windows App SDK Runtime (#4570)
  • Deploy is unchecked in the build configurations for packaged projects (#4442)

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