github microsoft/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity v2.8.0
Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit v2.8.0

latest releases: v2.8.3, v2.8.2, v2.8.1...
2 years ago

Mixed Reality Toolkit

We are happy to announce that MRTK 2.8.0 is now available for download via GitHub and the Mixed Reality Feature Tool. This update pulls in all of the changes submitted during MRTK 2.7's lifetime, dramatically improved support for the OpenXR pipeline, and several performance and experience improvements. We hope this release dramatically improves your Mixed Reality Development Experience.

For this release, we recommend users use Unity 2019.4 at minimum, and to use the OpenXR pipeline for deployment when using Unity 2020 and beyond. For a list of major issues and PRs covered in this release, please consult out release notes.

Today we would like to announce MRTK3 as the name that we will be calling the next version of MRTK! With the next version of MRTK gleaming in the horizon, we want to remind everyone how important the MRTK community's contributions have been to shaping MRTK into what it is today and what it is going to be in the future. We would love if you looked over the MRTK3 section of the MRTK Roadmap as well as watch our GDC 2022 Creating Cross-Platform Mixed Reality Experiences panel, and then bring your thoughts and ideas to the MRTK repository's Discussions board or file a Feature Request issue and tag 'MRTK3'! We are looking forward to sharing more MRTK3 information with you in the near future and hearing your feedback.

Want to learn more about the Mixed Reality Toolkit? Check out our docs at


  • [Recommended] Mixed Reality Feature Tool
    When using Unity 2019.4 or newer, MRTK is available using the Mixed Reality Feature Tool. For more information, please see Welcome to the Mixed Reality Feature Tool.

  • [Alternative] Import asset (.unitypackage) files
    When using Unity versions older than 2019.4, please scroll down to Assets and download to a known location (typically, this is the Downloads folder on Windows 10):

    • Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Unity.Foundation.2.8.0.unitypackage
    • [Required if upgrading, optional otherwise] Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Unity.Tools.2.8.0.unitypackage
    • [Optional] Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Unity.Examples.2.8.0.unitypackage
    • [Optional] Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Unity.Extensions.2.8.0.unitypackage
    • [Optional] Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Unity.TestUtilities.2.8.0.unitypackage

For information on the contents of each package, please refer to our docs on packages.

Getting started

To help get started using MRTK v2.8.0, please see the Welcome page, which covers software requirements and the initial steps required to use MRTK.

Release notes

Please see Release Notes for information on new features, known issues and changes.

HoloLens 2 and ARM64

There is a known compiler issue that impacts applications built for Microsoft HoloLens 2 using ARM64. This issue is fixed by updating Visual Studio 2019 to version 16.8 or later. If you are unable to update Visual Studio 2019, please import the Tools package to apply a workaround.

  • [Mixed Reality Feature Tool]
  • [.unitypackage] Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Tools.2.8.0.unitypackage


Please review the Upgrade Guide for guidance on how to upgrading existing projects.

Note that the Tools package is now required when upgrading to a newer version of MRTK. It includes the migration tool, which automates the updating of projects assets to account for some changes in MRTK.

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