- AADApplication
- Defaulting AuthenticationBehaviors as an empty array from the
Get-TargetResource function.
- Defaulting AuthenticationBehaviors as an empty array from the
- AADAuthenticationStrengthPolicy
- Added check to ensure the current exported instance names match in
- Added check to ensure the current exported instance names match in
- AADDomain
- Fixed an issue where the test checked a string instead of the variable.
FIXES #5886
- Fixed an issue where the test checked a string instead of the variable.
- AADRoleSetting
- Fixed the required permissions.
FIXES #3696
- Fixed the required permissions.
- EXORoleGroup
- Removed parameter
when creating a new group if there were
no roles assigned to it.
FIXES #5725
- Removed parameter
- IntuneAppleMDMPushNotificationCertificate
- Hide error message if no certificate was found during export.
FIXES #5884
- Hide error message if no certificate was found during export.
- IntuneAppProtectionPolicyAndroid
- Fix export of
- Fix export of
- IntuneDeviceManagementEnrollmentAndroidGooglePlay
- Changed the resource to be read-only due to the associated APIs not being
owned by Microsoft.
- Changed the resource to be read-only due to the associated APIs not being
- O365OrgSettings
- Add required
Insights Administrator
role for Get and Update.
- Add required
- SCDLPCompliancePolicy
- Fixes strange issue with the Get-TargetResource throwing an error
complaining about a null object.
- Fixes strange issue with the Get-TargetResource throwing an error
- SCLabelPolicy
- Fixed evaluation of CIMInstances in Test-TargetResource.
- SPOSiteScript
- Fixed an issue where the Get method would fail on fetching a specific script.
FIXES #5701
- Fixed an issue where the Get method would fail on fetching a specific script.
- M35DSCReport
- Require Excel to be installed for .xlsx export.
- M365DSCReverse
- Fixed an issue where specifying a component multiple times in the Export
would skip the resource altogether.
- Fixed an issue where specifying a component multiple times in the Export
- Updated ReverseDSC to version
- Added check to ensure the current exported instance names match in
- Added check to ensure the current exported instance names match in
- M365DSCLogEngine
- Fixed an error message appearing if one or more event logs could
not be accessed while searching the event source.
FIXES #3811
- Fixed an error message appearing if one or more event logs could