- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicy
- Fixed an error where the Export method would loop through the response header.
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyAuthenticator
- Fixed an error where the Export method would loop through the response header.
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyEmail
- Fixed an error where the Export method would loop through the response header.
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyFido2
- Fixed an error where the Export method would loop through the response header.
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicySms
- Fixed an error where the Export method would loop through the response header.
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicySoftware
- Fixed an error where the Export method would loop through the response header.
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyTemporary
- Fixed an error where the Export method would loop through the response header.
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyVoice
- Fixed an error where the Export method would loop through the response header.
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyX509
- Fixed an error where the Export method would loop through the response header.
- IntuneAppConfigurationPolicy
- Fixed an error in the export on the Settings property.
- IntuneDeviceEnrollmentStatusPageWindows10
- Fixed an error where the Export method would loop through the response header.
- IntuneWindowsAutopilotDeploymentProfileAzureADJoined
- Fixed an error where the Export method would loop through the response header.
- SCDLPComplianceRule
- Fixed the NotifyEmailCustomText and NotifyPolicyTipCustomText to escape fancy
- Fixed the NotifyEmailCustomText and NotifyPolicyTipCustomText to escape fancy
- Updated Microsoft.Graph to version 2.14.1.