github microsoft/Microsoft365DSC

latest releases: 1.24.703.1, 1.24.626.1, 1.24.619.1...
5 months ago
  • AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyAuthenticator
    • Remove the logic path to create a new instance in favor of the update flow.
  • AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyEmail
    • Remove the logic path to create a new instance in favor of the update flow.
  • AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyFido2
    • Remove the logic path to create a new instance in favor of the update flow.
  • AADAuthenticationMethodPolicySms
    • Remove the logic path to create a new instance in favor of the update flow.
  • AADAuthenticationMethodPolicySoftware
    • Remove the logic path to create a new instance in favor of the update flow.
  • AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyTemporary
    • Remove the logic path to create a new instance in favor of the update flow.
  • AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyVoice
    • Remove the logic path to create a new instance in favor of the update flow.
  • AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyX509
    • Remove the logic path to create a new instance in favor of the update flow.
  • AADConditionalAccessPolicy
    • Fix issue when not all parameters are specified
      FIXES [#4202]
  • AADCrossTenantAccessPolicy
    • Removed the ability to specify a value of Absent for the Ensure property.
  • AADCrossTenantAccessPolicyCOnfigurationDefault
    • Removed the ability to specify a value of Absent for the Ensure property.
  • AADGroup
    • Changed Set logic to restore groups from the deleted list if a match by
      DisplayName is found.
  • EXOActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule
    • Changed the way Identity is determined by using a combination of the
      QueryString and Characteristic parameters.
  • EXOAddressList
    • Fixed an issue trying to create a new instance when DisplayName is empty.
  • EXOApplicationAccessPolicy
    • Changed the logic to retrieve existing instances based on Scope.
  • EXODataClassification
    • DEPRECATED Resource.
  • SCAutoSensitivityLabelRule
    • Correct export indentation, which caused an issue with report conversion to JSON.
      FIXES [#4240]
  • SPOSharingSettings
    • Fixed an Issue where the MySiteSharingCapability could be returned as an
      empty string instead of a null value from the Get method.
  • TeamsAppPermissionPolicy, TeamsAppSetupPolicy, TeamsCallHoldPolicy,
    TeamsIPPhonePolicy, TeamsMobilityPolicy, TeamsNetworkRoamingPolicy,
    TeamsShiftsPolicy, TeamsTenantNetworkRegion, TeamsTenantNetworkSite,
    TeamsTenantNetworkSubnet, TeamsTenantTrustedIPAddress, TeamsTranslationRule,
    TeamsUnassignedNumberTreatment, TeamsVdiPolicy, TeamsWorkloadPolicy
    • Fix condition when resource is absent
      FIXES #4227
  • TeamsAudioConferencingPolicy
    • Fix condition in Test-TargetResource when resource is absent
      FIXES #4215
  • TeamsCallParkPolicy
    • Fix condition in Test-TargetResource when resource is absent
      FIXES #4210
  • TeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy
    • Fix condition in Test-TargetResource when resource is absent
      FIXES #4212
  • TeamsCortanaPolicy
    • Fix condition in Test-TargetResource when resource is absent
      FIXES #4208
  • TeamsEnhancedEncryptionPolicy
    • Fix condition when resource is absent
      FIXES #4221
  • TeamsEventsPolicy
    • Add missing attributes
      FIXES #4242
  • TeamsFeedbackPolicy
    • Fix condition when resource is absent
      FIXES #4223
  • TeamsFilesPolicy
    • Fix condition when resource is absent
      FIXES #4225
  • TeamsGroupPolicyAssignment
    • Ensure assignment can still be created if GroupId is not found by trying to
      search by DisplayName afterwards
      FIXES #4248
  • TeamsMeetingBroadcastPolicy
    • Fix deletion of resource
      FIXES #4231
  • TeamsMobilityPolicy
    • Validate string set on parameter MobileDialerPreference
    • Updated Microsoft.Graph dependencies to version 2.12.0.
    • Updated MicrosoftTeams dependencies to version 5.9.0.

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