- IntuneAppConfigurationPolicy
- Fixes issue where the Test method fails when the policy does not exist yet
and the Assignments parameter is used.
FIXES #2768
- Fixes issue where the Test method fails when the policy does not exist yet
- IntuneDeviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilter
- Fixes issue where the code did not check for the DisplayName when the ID could not
be found.
FIXES #2788
- Fixes issue where the code did not check for the DisplayName when the ID could not
- IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicyMacOS
- Corrected copy/paste issue while implementing previous fix.
FIXES #2731
- Corrected copy/paste issue while implementing previous fix.
- IntuneRoleDefinition
- Fixes issue where the code did not check for the DisplayName when the ID could not
be found.
FIXES #2771 - Updated logging logic to include more details and add Current/Target values in the
Test method.
- Fixes issue where the code did not check for the DisplayName when the ID could not
- PlannerTask
- SCRetentionCompliancePolicy
- Fixes an issue where the SkypeLocation was trying to be converted to a string when it was an array.
FIXES #2789
- Fixes an issue where the SkypeLocation was trying to be converted to a string when it was an array.
- Updated Microsoft.Graph.* to version 1.20.0
- Updated MSCloudLoginAssistant to version 1.0.103