github microsoft/AzureStorageExplorer v1.26.0

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21 months ago

October 2022 (Version 1.26.0, build 20221001.2)

Welcome to Storage Explorer version 1.26.0. A detailed list of all issues closed for this release can be found here. Continue reading below for information on major changes.

File Previewing

You can now preview text and image files from your blob containers or file shares directly inside Storage Explorer. For most text and image files under 10MB, you can click on Preview in either the context menu or toolbar of the blob container and file share data explorers.

After doing so, the right side of Storage Explorer will be split into two views, and the preview will open on the side opposite to the data explorer.

If there's a text, image, or some other type of file that you cannot currently preview but you would like to be able to, please open an issue on GitHub.

User delegation SAS support for blobs

Storage Explorer now supports generating user delegation SAS tokens for blob containers, and attaching blob containers via user delegation SAS authentication.

To generate a user delegation SAS token for your blob container, right click on the container and choose Get Shared Access Signature... from the context menu. Then, once the generate SAS dialog has opened, click on the Signing key dropdown and choose User delegation key.

To successfully generate a blob user delegation SAS, the account being used to create the SAS must have the Storage Blob Delegator (or equivalent) role. For the SAS itself to work, the account which was used to create the SAS must also have a role which authorizes the action you are trying to do with the SAS.

File watching improvements

Storage Explorer now supports file watching files opened from file shares. Just like for blob containers, Storage Explorer will watch double-click opened file share files for changes by external programs. After a change is detected, Storage Explorer will ask you if you would like to re-upload the file or ignore the changes.

You can also now tell Storage Explorer to remember the response you choose for any future changes to that instance of the opened file. This applies both to watched files from blob containers and file shares.

Finally, if you'd like Storage Explorer to stop watching opened files, you can now disable the feature via settings. Simply go to Settings (gear on the left) > Transfers > File Open > Watch Opened Files for Changes and uncheck the checkbox.

Duplicating table entities

You can now duplicate a table entity into a new entity with all of the same properties, but a new partition and/or row key of your choosing. To duplicate a table entity, right click on it and then choose Duplicate... in the context menu.

Additional columns in the file share data explorer

The file share data explorer now shows columns for Last Modified, Attributes, and Permission Key.

Cloning blobs in ADLS Gen2 blob containers

You can now clone blobs in ADLS Gen2 blob containers. To do so, simply select a blob and choose Clone from either the toolbar or context menu. When you clone a blob Storage Explorer will create a copy of the blob in the same location but with a different name of your choosing.

Delete version permission in blob access policies

Storage Explorer now supports adding the delete versions permission to your blob container access policies. To manage the access policies of a blob container, you can right click on it and choose Manage Access Policies....

Support for creating snapshots of disks with extended locations

Storage Explorer can now create snapshots of disks which have an extended location.

Ubuntu 22.04 support

As of version 1.26.0, official support for running Storage Explorer on Ubuntu 22.04 has been added and support for Ubuntu 16.04 has been dropped. If you encounter any issues running Storage Explorer on Ubuntu 22.04, please open an issue on GitHub.

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