github microsoft/AzureStorageExplorer v1.24.0

latest releases: v1.34.0, v1.33.1, v1.33.0...
2 years ago

May 2022 (Version 1.24.0, build 20220503.4)

Welcome to Storage Explorer version 1.24.0. A detailed list of all issues closed for this release can be found here. Continue reading below for information on major changes.

Respecting regional settings for number group and decimal separators

Storage Explorer now has the ability to respect regional settings for number group and decimal separators. For example, if you have OS settings which specify that a comma should be used as the decimal separator, Storage Explorer will respect that setting when displaying numbers.

To customize your number group and decimal separator settings:

  • For Windows: Open Settings > Time & language > Language & region > Administrative language settings > Formats > Additional settings > Numbers
  • For macOS: Open System Preferences > Language & Region > Advanced > General
  • For Linux: Customizing date and time display settings depends on your Linux distribution (Storage Explorer reads locale settings using the locale C API).

Please note that not all places where numbers are displayed have this work completed. This work will continue over the next few releases. However, if you see a number which does not respect your settings and you'd like to point it out, please open an issue on GitHub.

Respecting casing of metadata keys for blobs

When configured to use System Proxy, Storage Explorer will now respect the casing of metadata keys for blob operations which involve getting and setting metadata. To use System Proxy, go to Settings (gear icon on the left vertical toolbar) > Application > Proxy, and change the dropdown to "System Proxy (Preview)". Note that during AzCopy transfers (e.g. service to service copies), metadata key casings are still not respected. If AzCopy is not respecting metadata key casing is an issue for you, please leave feedback here.

Table export can now export selected rows

When using export in a table you can now choose to either "Export Selected" or "Export All".

Clone and rehydrate archived blobs to different containers

You can now clone and rehydrate archived blobs to a different container. When in the Clone and Rehydrate dialog, simply enter the name of a different container into the "Destination blob container" text box.

Open by name for file shares and tables

Open by name has been added for file shares and tables. You can use open by name to quickly open a storage resource for a specific storage account. You can find open by name by right clicking on the service node (e.g. Blob Containers) for the type of resource you'd like to open.

New version of Electron

Storage Explorer is now using version 18.1.0 of Electron. This upgrade includes numerous bug fixes, security fixes, and other improvements.

New version of AzCopy

Storage Explorer is now using version 10.14.1 of AzCopy.

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