github micronaut-projects/micronaut-data v2.4.4
Micronaut Data 2.4.4

latest releases: v3.3.0-RC1, v3.3.0-M1, v3.2.2...
3 years ago

v2.4.4 (2021-06-09)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Consider the creation of bean to handle AutoPopulated #566

Fixed bugs:

  • Related entities with embedded classes cannot be queried with JDBC Repository #704
  • Save method that returns void is rejected #614

Closed issues:

  • jdbc: update() fails on cascading one-to-one relations #1047
  • Build failure on rudimentary example using GraalVM, Kotlin, MariaDB, & micronaut-data #1045
  • Database migration not working #1044
  • @MappedEntity with @relation annotation generates "No backing RepositoryOperations configured for repository." error #1039
  • Repository method updateRelatedEntity won't compile #1035
  • r2dbc @transactional causes Connection pool request timeout #1019
  • Unable to introspect imported (JAR/dependency) classes #596
  • Extending Micronat Data Annotation #523
  • LastModifiedBy and CreatedBy annotation #506

Merged pull requests:

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator

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