github micronaut-projects/micronaut-data v2.4.0
Micronaut Data 2.4.0

latest releases: v3.3.0-RC1, v3.3.0-M1, v3.2.2...
3 years ago

v2.4.0 (2021-04-21)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Batch Updates #690

Fixed bugs:

  • AsyncCrudRepository.delete() can throw ClassCastException #962
  • BeanInstantiationException with Micronaut 2.3.4 and Micronaut Data (JDBC) - Composite key #929
  • Micronaut Data JDBC with a Postgres Backend and a complex tree with Composite keys throws exception on insertion #897
  • Entities with @Embedded properties and non-default NamingStrategy cannot be used #866
  • Micronaut data is unable to resolve properties in joined entity when Introspected DTO is used for projection #853
  • Micronaut Data fails on update for entities with UUIDs #821
  • Cascading save/persist not working with @OnetoOne #815
  • JPA repository findById does not work with composite ID set by @IdClass #807

Closed issues:

  • micronaut-data problem with JdbcRepository multiple data sources not accurate inject #980
  • DTO Projections do not work with @query annotations #975
  • [Enhancement] Add method updateAll to CrudRepository #971
  • Kotlin data class MappedEntity Support #989
  • Compilation error implementing repository interface with JPA and snapshot version #950
  • Repository @Join not working with Page #939
  • Document r2dbc #895
  • Error when use DTO with @query #848
  • JPA - Using @Join for multi parent level (single ended associations) #833
  • Issue with bidirectional relationship #760
  • Improve story around joining many to many associations (JDBC) #679
  • Batch insert for MSSQL #629
  • Lack of Batch Update possibilities #601
  • Document optimistic locking #556

Merged pull requests:

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