github micronaut-projects/micronaut-data v2.3.0
Micronaut Data 2.3.0

latest releases: v3.3.0-RC1, v3.3.0-M1, v3.2.2...
3 years ago

v2.3.0 (2021-03-04)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Reactive sql support via r2dbc #416
  • How to implement @PostLoad using data-jdbc ? #412

Fixed bugs:

  • Query generation not incorporating column transformations in where clause #912
  • Regression with Oracle and Micronaut Data loading data: SQL error executing INSERT: operation not allowed: DML Returning cannot be batched #911
  • Data annotation process not working with jax-rs processor #899
  • Compilation Error when use Generic into update(@id) method #896
  • Use @ColumnTransformer in WHERE clause, not just SELECT #880
  • Unnecessary setMaxResults(1) degrades query performance #863
  • Not possible to change transaction isolation level in Hibernate transactions #858
  • [micronaut-data-tx] Inconsistent behavior for @TransactionAdvice\(value = "a"\) and @TransactionAdvice\(transactionManager = "a"\) over 2 datasources #850
  • Pageable.unpaged() with added order fails on validation #789
  • Impossible to map PostgreSQL table using @MappedEntity, escape = true and NamingStrategies.UpperCase #735
  • Postgres @manytoone Update of Null UUID Fails with SQL Error - UUID Treated as BigInt #671
  • The @where annotation doesn't work with @Join annotated repository methods #610
  • @column(length = ) is ignored when using create-drop #603

Closed issues:

  • No bean of type exists #887
  • native image raised error: Could not create DynamicParameterizedType for type: org.hibernate.type.EnumType #873

Merged pull requests:

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator

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