github micrometer-metrics/micrometer v1.11.10

latest releases: v1.13.0, v1.12.6, v1.11.12...
3 months ago


  • Make DefaultHttpClientObservationConvention#INSTANCE final #4770

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • OSGi import of javax.annotation and javax.annotation.meta is incorrect #4824
  • Use Dynatrace snapshot for LongTaskTimer #4780
  • CloudWatchMeterRegistry logs timeout message when there was an interrupt and does not log anything when there was a timeout #4775

🔨 Dependency Upgrades

  • Bump com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-cloudwatch from 1.12.655 to 1.12.674 #4837
  • Bump com.signalfx.public:signalfx-java from 1.0.38 to 1.0.39 #4822

📝 Tasks

  • ArchUnit 1.x is pulling in slf4j 2.x #4777
  • Replace deprecated buildDir #4771

❤️ Contributors

Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:

@izeye, @ponziani, @adpaste, and @pirgeo

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