github micromata/projectforge release/7.2-RELEASE
Release 7.2

latest releases: 8.0-RELEASE, 7.5-RELEASE, 7.4-RELEASE...
3 years ago

New Features

  • Word-Templating (Merlin): Word templating for letters, information, contracts etc. with serial execution including variables, if-else-expressions etc. inside docx (like Velocity-Scripting-engine). All users/emloyees may receive letters/contracts etc. (as Word and/or PDF-files) in ther personal boxes via serial execution.
    example template files included for a quick start.
  • Log viewer added (for admins as well as for users for tracking own activity for mass updates of time-sheets, usage of Merlin or Datev-imports)


  • DataTransfer-Plugin: encryption added
  • Exporting SEPA-cash transfers improved: special characters unsupported by banking software will be replaced/removed.

Security and privcay protection

  • Features for deleting data such as addresses, employee, vacataion data etc. implemented due to privacy restrictions in the EU. The deletion includes also history entries.
  • using char[] instead of String for passwords.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Several minor bugfixes
  • Search for deleted entries (addresses etc.) fixed.
  • Search in history entries (keywords, users) fixed.

Improvements for admins

  • No restart after first installation required anymore.
  • During Shutdown some temporarily created directories (tomcat.* and projectforge-application*) will be deleted automatically.
  • Gender for users added: Used by Merlin (word templating) for creation of personalized letters, contracts etc.


You can download the binaries from Docker hub: micromata/projectforge:7.2 (

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