github mhutchie/vscode-git-graph v1.27.0-beta.3

pre-release3 years ago
  • #281 For the Repository Settings Widget, read values defined in additional Git config files when they're included via include directives in local or global Git config files.
  • #364 Parse and render a frequently used subset of inline Markdown formatting rules in commit messages and tag details (bold, italics, bold & italics, and inline code blocks). Markdown parsing can be disabled using the extensions setting git-graph.markdown.
  • #383 When the Commit Details View is open, the CTRL/CMD + Up / CTRL/CMD + Down keystrokes may be used to navigate topologically to the child / parent on the same branch (the existing behaviour). Now there is a new Shift Key Modifier, that when pressed in combination with the existing keystrokes (i.e. CTRL/CMD + SHIFT + Up / CTRL/CMD + SHIFT + Down), will take the alternative branch when branching or a merge is encountered.
  • #385 Push branches or tags to multiple remotes from their respective dialogs.
  • #386 Detect commit hashes in the body of the commit that's displayed in the Commit Details View, and make them clickable links that open the Commit Details View for the referenced commit.
  • #389 Use the Visual Studio Code Color Theme's text selection background colour (set by some themes and users) in the Git Graph View.
  • #392 Support Visual Studio Code's git.path Setting containing an array of possible Git executable paths (introduced in Visual Studio Code 1.50.0).
  • #393 New display option for the Uncommitted Changes in the graph. This is controlled by the new extension setting git-graph.graph.uncommittedChanges.
    • Open Circle at the Uncommitted Changes: Display the Uncommitted Changes as a grey open circle, connected to the commit referenced by HEAD with a solid grey line. The current file system's state is therefore always displayed as an open circle in the graph. (the existing approach)
    • Open Circle at the Checked Out Commit: Display the Uncommitted Changes as a grey closed circle, connected to the commit referenced by HEAD with a dotted grey line. The commit referenced by HEAD is therefore always displayed as an open circle in the graph. (the new option)
  • Various code improvements.

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