github mhogomchungu/media-downloader 4.5.0

latest releases: 4.7.0, 4.6.0
2 months ago
The signing key can be retrieved with below command:

    gpg --recv-keys 0x6855E493B5B2DF96E319BB6D16E2E1ACC6F51242


     - Support internal downloading and updating svtplay.
     - "Show media Options" menu now has a context menu with a list of video players you can
        use for streaming a media instead of downloading it.
     - Its now possible to select random entries in batch and playlist downloader tabs and 
       batch download only those selected.
     - Its now possible since version 4.4.0 to build for Qt6 by passing
      "-DBUILD_WITH_QT6=TRUE" option to cmake.

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