github metalbear-co/mirrord 3.29.0

latest releases: latest, 3, 3.124.2...
20 months ago


  • mirrord debug feature (for mirrord developers to debug mirrord): Cause the agent to exit early with an error.
  • mirrord E2E tests: support for custom namespaces.


  • Unpause the target container before exiting if the agent exits early on an error and the container is paused -
  • intellij-plugin: fix issue where execution hangs when running using Gradle. Fixes #1120.
  • intellij-plugin: fix issue where mirrord doesn't load into gradle, was found when fixing [#1120].
  • mirrord-agent: reintroduce -o lo back to iptable rules to prevent issue where outinging messags could be intersepted by mirrord as incoming ones.
  • mirrord-layer: binding same port on different IPs leads to a crash due to ListenAlreadyExists error.
    This is now ignored with a info message since we can't know if the IP/Port was already bound
    or not. Created a follow up issue to complete implementation and error at application's bind.

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