github metabrainz/musicbrainz-docker v-2024-04-09

latest release: v-2024-04-10-hotfix
24 days ago

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2023-11-13 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2024-04-10-hotfix && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d

Additional update instructions for development setup only

Changes to the development setup require to remove dependencies that will be cleanly reinstalled on startup:

sudo docker-compose exec musicbrainz bash -c 'rm -fr node_modules perl_modules .cpanm' && \
sudo docker-compose restart musicbrainz

Additional update instructions for pre-PG 12 (2020) mirror only

In case your mirror is older than PostgreSQL 12 migration in 2020, if some update scripts didn’t work for some reason back in that time, you might have the following error in the file mirror.log or mirror.log.1 in the service musicbrainz since yesterday:

ERROR:  index row requires xxxxx bytes, maximum size is 8191

Then open a PostgreSQL invite, for example as follows:

sudo docker-compose exec musicbrainz bash -c admin/psql

Finally, run the following SQL instructions:

SET search_path = musicbrainz, public;
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS track_idx_musicbrainz_collate;
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS track_idx_name;
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS track_idx_txt;

See MBS-13536 for more info.


  • Upgrade MusicBrainz Server to v-2024-04-09

  • Make Postgres, RabbitMQ, and Redis hosts configurable via Docker environment variables

  • Upgrade the version of Perl to 5.38 in development setup only

  • Make bash history persistent for the musicbrainz service in development setup only

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