github metabrainz/musicbrainz-docker v-2022-06-20

2 years ago

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-06-20 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d


  • Upgrade MusicBrainz Server to v-2022-06-20
  • Fixed SIR development setup to work with its new Python base image.
  • MBVM-84: Support database-only mirror
    Detailed steps if you want to switch a running mirror to this new database-only setup:
    1. Update musicbrainz-docker files with:
      git fetch --tags origin && git checkout v-2022-06-20
    2. Backup the list of your currently enabled compose files with:
      admin/configure show | tee -a "local/config-pre-v-2022-06-20-$(date +%FT%T).log"
    3. Reset it to use the database-only base configuration with:
      admin/configure with alt-db-only-mirror
    4. If you had enabled replication, re-enable it with:
      admin/configure add replication-token replication-cron
    5. If you had enabled publishing ports, enable it for the database only with:
      admin/configure add publishing-db-port
    6. If you had enabled any local override compose file (for example local/compose/memory-settings.yml), modify this file to remove services other than db, musicbrainz, and redis (for the same example, remove the lines about the search service), then enable it again; For the same example with:
      admin/configure add local/compose/memory-settings.yml
    7. Update your needed services db, musicbrainz (which can take some time to build its new image) and redis, and remove the others with:
      sudo docker-compose up --build --remove-orphans -d

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