github metabrainz/musicbrainz-docker v-2020-05-14-solr7

4 years ago

Thanks to all the people that reported issues and contributed patches during the last two years!

Breaking changes

This release is a major overhaul. It is essential to take a fresh look at the readme to update from the previous release.

  • New prerequisites:
    • Higher CPU/RAM/disk space requirements for the new search server based on Solr 7,
    • Docker Compose 1.21.1 (or higher), GNU Bash 4 (or higher), Linux or macOS.
  • Update to Docker Compose file format 3.1, to handle secrets such as replication token.
  • Scripts being ran using docker-compose exec, using docker-compose run, or from replication.cron file, can no longer be called with a leading /, they are now installed under /usr/local/bin so that they can be found from the $PATH environment variable.
  • search service is now powered by Solr 7.
    • It stores its data in solrdata volume. The old indexdata volume does not interfere and can be deleted.
    • It depends on service mq running RabbitMQ.
    • Its indexer service runs the new Search Index Rebuilder (SIR).

For all of these changes, installation instructions must be followed again, starting with “Building Docker images”.
If you have an up-to-date database, it is not necessary to recreate it, just skip the “Create database” step.

New features

  • Advanced configuration which allows a lot of customization through Docker environment variables and Compose override files.
  • Development setup to make it easier to contribute to the development of the MusicBrainz Server itself.
    (Not the same as the existing test setup, which can be used to develop your own app working with MusicBrainz Server.)
  • Experimental live indexing which is not recommended for use in production yet.
  • Helper scripts that help you set the replication token through Docker secrets, enable Docker Compose override files, etc.
  • Solr-based search server which improved on both operation efficiency and the quality of the results for two years at

Solved issues

  • MBVM-26: css / images do not load
  • MBVM-38: Replace the old search server with the new Solr-based search server
  • MBVM-45: Provide replication token by docker compose secrets instead of docker exec
  • MBVM-52: Allow to load search indexes from FTP onto MusicBrainz slave server
  • #95, #104, #119, #122, #135, #143, …

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