github metabase/metabase v1.44.1
Metabase® Enterprise Edition™ v1.44.1

latest releases: v0.50.10, v1.50.10, embedding-sdk-0.1.16...
22 months ago


  • Bump Postgres driver to 42.4.1 (#24709)
  • Bump MariaDB (MySQL) driver to 2.7.6 (#24648)

Bug fixes

  • Fix incorrect hash for Advanced fieldvalues (#24740)
  • Confusing UX after performing password reset (#24700)
  • Changing existing filters in Simple GUI will replace other existing filters (#24664)
  • Cannot set caching duration to less than a second (#24657)
  • Correct spelling of pulse setting notification-retry-randomizaion-factor (#24653)
  • Dashboard filters are "floating" with default FullApp embedding (#24652)
  • Dashboard card filter connection hides filter disconnect button until hovered (#24650)
  • New filter modal is showing custom mapped values next to their original values (#24626)
  • The "Browse data" in navigation sidebar is hidden in FullApp embedding (#24610)
  • Improve the autocomplete query (#24452)
  • UI performance regression since v43 when rendering certain visualizations on larger dashboards (#24291)
  • Custom Expression references dropped, when field references are also used in breakout (#24126)
  • There is no space in the screen of a mobile device to show data when a Question has several filters (#23983)
  • Margins on Dashboard parameter filters are too small (#23870)
  • Questions referencing another question with a GROUP BY on a custom column generate invalid SQL (#23862)
  • Drill-through on "View these X" fails when date column is null (#23817)
  • Not possible to filter native model using header cell context menu (#23091)
  • Metabase thinks Database has unrun migrations on every launch (#22867)
  • Multi-level nested questions with joins causes failed query because of incorrect column aliasing (#22859)
  • Models does not respect the column visibility setting (#22520)
  • Dashboard's "text/contains" filter is case-sensitive (#21359)
  • Mongo Driver Timezone Issue When Grouping (#11149)


You can download a .jar of the release, or get the latest on Docker. Make sure to back up your Metabase
database before you upgrade! Need help? Check out our
upgrading instructions.

Docker image: metabase/metabase-enterprise:v1.44.1
Download the JAR here:


SHA-256 checksum for the 1.44.1 JAR:


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