github metabase/metabase v0.43.0-rc1
Metabase v0.43.0-RC1

latest releases: embedding-sdk-0.1.6, embedding-sdk-0.1.6-test1, v0.49.13...
pre-release2 years ago

Events and timelines

A lot of discussions around data have a moment when someone asks a question related to a specific point in time: "Wait, what's the spike in March again?", or "When did the new widget launch?"

Events and timelines are a way to capture that chronological knowledge and make it available when you need it, in context (i.e., when you're viewing a chart). They're a great way to store institutional knowledge about what happened and when, so people (including yourself three months from now) won't have to figure out (again) why the line chart spiked back in March.

Redesigned navigation

We’ve overhauled the main navigation to make it easier to find new things, and get back to your most frequently used questions, dashboards, collections, and models. P.S. If you’re looking for the Gear icon to access your account or admin settings, the gear is now at the bottom of the navigation sidebar.


You can now bookmark your favorite questions, dashboards, models, and collections. Bookmarked items will show up at the top of the main sidebar. If you prefer to just search for stuff, bookmarked items also get a boost in your search results.

Updated home page

The new homepage now keeps track of your most recent items. Plus it just looks nicer. The root collection, Our analytics, is just a click away in the sidebar.

Selective sync for more databases

You can now choose which schemas will (or won’t) be synced for the following databases:

  • Postgres
  • Redshift
  • Snowflake
  • BigQuery (shipped in 42)

Relative datetime filtering

When filtering dates, you can now select All options > Relative date... to filter for things like "Next 30 days", or “Last 30 days starting from 1 week ago”. (Note: there is a known issue that causes this relative filtering to fail on dashboard filters, so we've disabled this for dashboard filters. We're working on a fix for the official release).


  • [Epic] Give users a chill and useful starting page (#21322)
  • [Epic] Reduce waiting cost in slow dashboards (#21247)
  • Admin troubleshooting page changes (#21206)
  • Timeline event modal does not show selected icon (#20932)
  • Creating a new dashboard from the New button in a collection should take me to that dashboard (#20638)
  • [Epic] Sync multiple schemas, with controls (#20609)
  • [Epic] Rethink Starting Points (Homepage and Collections) (#20605)
  • Upgrade Liquibase (#20600)
  • "SQL Query" in UI for MongoDB/Druid/GA native queries (#20499)
  • Replace Clojure-land data migrations with Liquibase migrations (#20449)
  • [Epic] Mention advanced permissions features in OSS edition (#20398)
  • [Epic] General permissions (#20397)

Bug fixes

  • Converting time series from GUI to SQL can cause frontend reload in some cases (#21615)
  • Custom Expression validator too strict when field name is the same as a function (#21513)
  • Pie chart series are not displayed correctly in the config (using timestamp instead of short date) (#21504)
  • POST firing on each keystroke when changing series display name on cumulative calculations (#21452)
  • Some strings not being translated in setup page (#21404)
  • Setup should automatically detect locale and translate the UI (#21403)
  • Dropdown filter list does not allow filtering for the FK remapped value (#21382)
  • Superfluous stack traces logged when database does not have SSL support (#21278)
  • Send email fails when <10 items rendered as table and custom (verbose) logging level (#21166)
  • Combining question modal does not wrap long question names (#21056)
  • Save fails on a question started from the new collection "New..." menu from Our Analytics (#21055)
  • Native query preview overflow window when there are no space (#21018)
  • Embedding Preview of questions does not limit the results in visualization, which can freeze the browser (#20938)
  • Subdimensions/binnings do not exist for time column (#20882)
  • Bad Field Filter references can cause the question to fail to load (#20865)
  • Static visualization ignores granularity in X-axis ticks in some cases (#20807)
  • Default timeline's icon is not used for new events (#20597)
  • Restricting and unrestricting access to a table results in the DB-level permission still being "Granular" (#20436)


You can download a .jar of the release, or get the latest on Docker. Make sure to back up your Metabase
database before you upgrade! Need help? Check out our
upgrading instructions.

Docker image: metabase/metabase:v0.43.0-rc1
Download the JAR here:


SHA-256 checksum for the 0.43.0-rc1 JAR:


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