github meshtastic/firmware 1.1.3
1.1.3 alpha

pre-release3 years ago

Note: I'll be putting out a 1.1.4 (this version has a problem with button presses) - so to prevent confusion I'm not announcing this build and not attaching a bin.

(For alpha testers only) This release is mainly to fix the problem @feh123 noticed, but it also includes a substantial cleanup of the threading model used in the app. Benefits of this cleanup

  • Simpler
  • Less FreeRTOS dependent (important for the port to Apache MyNewt - for low end NRF52s) and portduino (for linux and simulation)
  • Lower power consumption because the top level arduino loop() will be sleeping typically for 100s to thousands of msecs. This saves about 7mA when in the 'active' states. However, unlikely to change battery life much because our power consumption is dominated by the Light-Sleep state and in that state we were already pretty optimal.
  • Lower latency - because we will be able to instantly wake for ble, button press or lora rx. Because there will no longer be the nasty 10ms sleep we had in loop() to save power. Instead there is a new InterruptableDelay class which allows sleeping and instantly waking if needed. This will help once we add (much needed) optimizations to run faster at the short-range/high-speed settings. It also speeds up bluetooth communication.

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