github meshtastic/firmware 0.6.4
0.6.4 alpha

3 years ago

This is a major release with a lot of improvements (though possibly higher than usual chance of bugs). You'll need to update all nodes in your net with this version (or a later version) because at a protocol level there have been some changes. This is hopefully the last time the protocol will change before 1.0.

Major changes listed below (many smaller changes also):

  • @mehuman improved the device install scripts and documentation
  • @Dafeman fixed bluetooth pairing when you are unlucky and the PIN was a number less than 100000.
  • Cryptography is now basically feature complete (though not reviewed by a crypto expert). Every channel is protected by an AES256 key and a rolling cypher.
  • NRF52 based boards are now mostly supported (in addition to the ESP32 boards)
  • TBEAMs will now charge faster than they used to
  • Reliable messaging is now mostly complete (both unicast and broadcast). You'll need to update the android app though if you want to take advantage of this - see other thread.

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