github mendhak/gpslogger v106
v106 - GPS week rollover problem, allow plain http calls

latest releases: v132, v132-rc3, v132-rc2...
4 years ago

Let's try this again. Same feature/fixes as v104, BUT, without SDK version 29. It's set to SDK 28.
And I've tested, this time there should be no System UI crashes.

#769 Once a month logging

#765 filename reset fix

#779 GPS Week Number Rollover problem

#784 Play Store SDK compatibility requirement
Google accidentally removed the pre-Q NMEA listener interface. Have to use reflection.

#793 Allowing non-https Custom URLs on Android 8+

#791 Retrieve Android ID instead of Serial Number on Android 8+

#798 success dialog spam on customurl screen

#798 updated translations and escaped apostrophes

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