github medizininformatik-initiative/mii-process-report v1.1.0.0 - System Search Parameter

18 days ago

Release of the MII report process plugin used to send reports of current FHIR store implementation progress of a DIC to a HRP.

The documentation of the process including the description, the deployment and configuration guides as well as instructions on how to start a process instance can be found in the wiki. For a pre-built jar file, see assets.

General remarks:

  • This release is compatible with the Data Sharing Framework version >= 1.0.0. This release does not work with DSF versions < 1.0.0.

Features include:

  • Search parameters with name code and ingredient-code are now allowed if they only search for a system and not a specific code.
  • A static code analysis maven plugin was added and detected issues were resolved where possible and applicable.
  • The maven clean plugin now deletes all version of the process from the test setup.
  • Github workflows were updated to only run once in pull requests.
  • Dependencies were updated where possible and applicable.

Issues closed:

  • Static Code analysis, Github Workflows and Clean Plugin #17
  • Allow search params for code.system #19
  • Upgrade Dependencies #21

This release contains contributions from @wetret and @hhund.

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