github mealie-recipes/mealie v2.3.0

5 days ago


🎉 Highlights

  • Cook Mode has had an overhaul and is now available even if you've not linked ingredients to your steps. Thanks @codetakki

  • Admins can now generate invite links for a specific household. Thanks @p0lycarpio

✨ New features

🐛 Bug fixes

🧰 Maintenance

4 changes
  • chore(auto): Update pre-commit hooks @github-actions (#4535)
  • chore(auto): Update pre-commit hooks @github-actions (#4572)
  • chore(deps): Bump Ruff @michael-genson (#4602)
  • chore(auto): Update pre-commit hooks @github-actions (#4606)

📚 Documentation

  • docs(auto): Update image tag, for release v2.2.0 @github-actions (#4536)
  • docs: Update docker compose examples @Choromanski (#4550)
  • docs: Update API path in @kenni (#4614)

🔨 Internal development

⬆️ Dependency updates

15 changes

🙏 New Contributors


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