github mdn/browser-compat-data v4.1.1

latest releases: v5.3.8, v5.3.7, v5.3.6...
2 years ago

We've changed the format of these release notes! We're experimenting with new release notes. See this issue for details and to give your input.

General changes

  • Web API data for selected browsers now requires version number data (#13845). For the following browsers, no null or true values remain and version numbers will be required for data added in future releases:

    • Chrome
    • Chrome for Android
    • Edge
    • Firefox
    • Internet Explorer
    • Safari
    • Safari for iOS
    • Webview Android
  • All entries using Safari 6.1, a backport release of Safari 7, have been changed to avoid unexplained discontinuities in support. Since it's no longer used in any support statements, the data for the Safari 6.1 release has been removed. See the guideline for historic Safari backport releases for more information on this change. (#11156)


Features removed in this release:

  • (#13837)
  • api.PaymentDetailsUpdate (#12277)
  • api.PaymentDetailsUpdate.displayItems (#12277)
  • api.PaymentDetailsUpdate.error (#12277)
  • api.PaymentDetailsUpdate.modifiers (#12277)
  • api.PaymentDetailsUpdate.shippingAddressErrors (#12277)
  • api.PaymentDetailsUpdate.shippingOptions (#12277)
  • (#12277)
  • api.WakeLockSentinel.onrelease (#13816)
  • api.XRLightProbe.onreflectionchange (#13374)
  • api.XRReferenceSpace.onreset (#13483)
  • api.XRSession.onend (#13597)
  • api.XRSession.oninputsourceschange (#13597)
  • api.XRSession.onselect (#13597)
  • api.XRSession.onselectend (#13597)
  • api.XRSession.onselectstart (#13597)
  • api.XRSession.onsqueeze (#13597)
  • api.XRSession.onsqueezeend (#13597)
  • api.XRSession.onsqueezestart (#13597)
  • api.XRSession.onvisibilitychange (#13597)
  • api.XRSystem.ondevicechange (#13484)


Features added in this release:

  • api.EyeDropper.secure_context_required (#13808)
  • api.MediaDevices.getDisplayMedia.audio_capture_support (#13837)
  • api.WakeLockSentinel.release_event (#13816)
  • html.manifest.display_override (#13565)
  • html.manifest.share_target (#13803)


  • 13 contributors have changed 238 files with 3,330 additions and 2,873 deletions in 41 commits (v4.1.0...v4.1.1)
  • 13,377 total features
  • 832 total contributors
  • 3,693 total stargazers

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