github mdn/browser-compat-data v4.1.0

latest releases: v5.3.8, v5.3.7, v5.3.6...
2 years ago

We've changed the format of these release notes! We're experimenting with new release notes. See this issue for details and to give your input.

Data guideline changes

A data guideline has been adopted to represent DOM events by a single eventname_event feature on each event's target interface, instead of separate features for the event name and on-handler properties. For example, api.Element.focus_event and api.Element.onfocus would be consolidated into api.Element.focus_event only. Read the complete guideline for details.

This consolidation will be completed over several @mdn/browser-compat-data releases. Review the release notes for a complete list of features added or removed. (#13595)


  • api.HTMLMediaElement.mozChannels (#13794)
  • api.HTMLMediaElement.mozFrameBufferLength (#13794)
  • api.HTMLMediaElement.mozLoadFrom (#13794)
  • api.HTMLMediaElement.mozSampleRate (#13794)
  • api.IDBVersionChangeEvent.version (#13814)
  • api.MediaStreamConstraints (#12397)
  • (#12397)
  • (#12397)
  • api.WindowEventHandlers.onmessageerror.worker_support (#13796)


  • api.BarProp.visible.returns_popup (#13322)
  • api.Performance.measure.returns_undefined (#13478)
  • api.Window.beforeinstallprompt_event (#12856)
  • (#13322)
  • http.headers.Authorization (#12446)
  • http.headers.Authorization.Basic (#12446)
  • http.headers.Authorization.Digest (#12446)
  • http.headers.Authorization.Digest.md5 (#12446)
  • http.headers.Authorization.Digest.SHA-256 (#12446)
  • http.headers.Authorization.Digest.SHA-512 (#12446)
  • http.headers.Authorization.Negotiate (#12446)
  • http.headers.Authorization.NTLM (#12446)
  • http.headers.WWW-Authenticate.Basic (#12446)
  • http.headers.WWW-Authenticate.Digest (#12446)
  • http.headers.WWW-Authenticate.Digest.md5 (#12446)
  • http.headers.WWW-Authenticate.Digest.SHA-256 (#12446)
  • http.headers.WWW-Authenticate.Digest.SHA-512 (#12446)
  • http.headers.WWW-Authenticate.Negotiate (#12446)
  • http.headers.WWW-Authenticate.NTLM (#12446)
  • javascript.builtins.Intl.Locale.calendars (#12314)
  • javascript.builtins.Intl.Locale.collations (#12314)
  • javascript.builtins.Intl.Locale.hourCycles (#12314)
  • javascript.builtins.Intl.Locale.numberingSystems (#12314)
  • javascript.builtins.Intl.Locale.textInfo (#12314)
  • javascript.builtins.Intl.Locale.timeZones (#12314)
  • javascript.builtins.Intl.Locale.weekInfo (#12314)
  • (#12512)
  • (#12512)


  • 14 contributors have changed 64 files with 1,826 additions and 733 deletions in 61 commits (v4.0.12...v4.1.0)
  • 13,393 total features
  • 830 total contributors
  • 3,685 total stargazers

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