github mdn/browser-compat-data v3.2.2

latest releases: v5.3.8, v5.3.7, v5.3.6...
3 years ago

Notable changes

  • The default branch for the repository has been renamed to main from master. (#6292)

  • For improved consistency with related features, the following JavaScript features have been renamed (#9592):

    • javascript.operators.async_function_expressionjavascript.operators.async_function
    • javascript.operators.function_starjavascript.operators.generator_function
    • javascript.operators.async_generator_function_expressionjavascript.operators.async_generator_function
  • The following historic features of the Node interface were removed to more accurately represent their moves to the Element and Attr interfaces (#9561):

    • api.Node.localName
    • api.Node.namespaceURI
    • api.Node.prefix
  • The following duplicate features of the AudioScheduledSourceNode interface were removed (#9599):

    • api.AudioBufferSourceNode.onended
    • api.ConstantSourceNode.onended
    • api.ConstantSourceNode.start
    • api.ConstantSourceNode.stop
    • api.OscillatorNode.onended
    • api.OscillatorNode.start
    • api.OscillatorNode.stop
  • The following duplicate features of the SVGGeometryElement interface were removed (#9479):

    • api.SVGGeometryElement.supportOtherThanPath, duplicating several new support statements in api.SVGGeometryElement
    • api.SVGPathElement.getPointAtLength, duplicating api.SVGGeometryElement.getPointAtLength
    • api.SVGPathElement.getTotalLength, duplicating api.SVGGeometryElement.getTotalLength
    • api.SVGPathElement.pathLength, duplicating api.SVGGeometryElement.pathLength


  • 15 contributors have changed 417 files with 2,977 additions and 1,915 deletions in 62 commits (v3.2.1...v3.2.2)
  • 13,020 total features
  • 761 total contributors
  • 3,284 total stargazers

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