github mdn/browser-compat-data v2.0.5

latest releases: v5.3.8, v5.3.7, v5.3.6...
3 years ago

Notable changes

  • Safari version "≤4" is now an accepted value, to reflect testing limitations for older versions (#6915)
  • The following features have been removed:
    • api.Document.domConfig because it has been removed from all browsers two or more years ago (#6930)
    • api.DOMConfiguration and its descendants because it was never implemented (#6930)
    • api.DOMImplementationList and its descendants because it was never implemented (#6930)
    • api.HTMLInputElement.mozGetFileNameArray because it was never exposed to the Web (#6982)
    • api.HTMLInputElement.mozSetFileArray because it was never exposed to the Web (#6982)
    • api.HTMLInputElement.mozSetFileNameArray because it was never exposed to the Web (#6982)


  • 18 contributors have changed 230 files with 7,273 additions and 5,019 deletions in 97 commits (v2.0.4...v2.0.5)
  • 12,264 total features
  • 722 total contributors
  • 3,103 total stargazers

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