github mdn/browser-compat-data v1.0.25

latest releases: v5.3.8, v5.3.7, v5.3.6...
4 years ago

Notable changes

  • The javascript.builtin.Intl.Collator.caseFirst data has been moved to javascript.builtin.Intl.Collator.Collator.caseFirst (#6253)
  • JS operator data has been moved to remove unnecessary group trees (#6246, #6270, #6272, #6276).
    • These JS operator groups have been dissolved: comparison, bitwise, assignment, arithmetic.
    • Find the operators now directly under the operators tree, for example: javascript.operators.bitwise.and -> javascript.operators.bitwise_and


  • 17 contributors have changed 81 files with 4690 additions and 2291 deletions in 32 commits (v1.0.24...v1.0.25)
  • 12166 total features
  • 637 total contributors
  • 2758 total stargazers

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