github mbecker20/komodo v1.15.0
Komodo v1.15.0

latest release: v1.15.1
12 hours ago

To see the changes to the UI, check out the demo: (you can log in with demo : demo).

  • You can now log in with self hosted SSO provider using OIDC. Tested with Authentik and Gitea.

  • UX Improvements:

    • Redesigned all resource headers and configs thanks to @karamvirsingh98
    • improve in UI editors using monaco-editor
    • Along with the nice editor, you can also now update compose files on server from the UI. - @DanCardin
    • Use monaco-editor diffing to diff all changes to configuration and resource sync pending changes.
    • Environments now keep comments - @FibreTTP
  • Periphery supports https enabled communication using self signed certs - @seancallaway

    • Enable with - PERIPHERY_SSL_ENABLED: true
  • Repo-based stacks can now pull the repo on deploy, and no longer deletes the folder after deploy issue.

  • Alerter Discord support - @LawMixer

  • Implement KOMODO_DISABLE_CONFIRM_DIALOG - disable the popups which become slow without copy / paste - @drixtol

  • Support "_FILE" env variables for use with docker compose secrets - @Cheezzhead

  • Stacks support passing --env-file {custom file} even when no env vars defined in Komodo. Users can have .env file on server and attach it.


  • Super admin user which can give other users admin

  • Slim down images - @neicureuil

    • Tried alpine base, but musl doesn't play very nicely with Rust.
    • Did manage to slim down the images on debian base: 250 MB for Core, 350 MB for Periphery.
  • Improve setup compose files (database.compose.yaml and compose.env)

  • Environment / volumes / ports resource file deserializers keep comments and support more syntaxes for greater copy-paste compatibility

    • Supports:
    # "Env Var"
    VARIABLE = value 
    # "Key Value"
    VARIABLE: value
    # "Yaml Array"
    - "VARIABLE=value"
    - /path/to/folder:/folder
  • Resource Sync

    • In UI editor and Files on Host mode
    • Info tab to see file contents
    • "Managed" mode

Public Build Server

  • The Komodo release builds are now done one a publicly accessible Komodo instance:

🔒 Upgrading to HTTPS:

For backward compatibility, the default for Periphery is still http. However the configs are all updated to enable SSL, including the systemd installer, and compose file examples. After updating to 1.15, be sure to add PERIPHERY_SSL_ENABLED: true to your compose file periphery service, or add ssl_enabled = true to your periphery.config.toml.

Note that you will also need to update your Server address from http://... to https://....

Stacks + Resource Sync users

If you are using the default run_directory, the sync will show this change run_directory = "./" => ____________ (emty line).
This is expected and this change should be synced. The behavior will of the Stack be the same.

When you upgrade Komodo, be sure to open your browser console/dev-tools, go to network tab, disable cache, and the reload page with dev-tools open. Otherwise, your browser may keep using a cached version of the old UI version.

Thanks to everyone involved in this release, your feedback has been invaluable.

Enjoy 🦎

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