- Migrate frontend code to typescript
- Migrate Vue SFC and Pinia store files to composition API
- Account edit page displays the outstanding balance instead of the balance for credit card and debt accounts
- Add Spanish language (#39, thx @Miguelonlonlon)
- Add Russian language (#44, thx @artegoser)
- Add German language (#60, thx @chrgm)
- Add Japanese language (#83, thx @tkymmm)
- Import transaction from custom delimiter-separated values file
- Import some split transactions from IIF file
- Convert transaction type in import transaction dialog (#76)
- Duplicate transaction with time / geographic location (#36)
- Scheduled transaction supports start time and end time (#36)
- Filter transaction category, account and tag name in transaction edit page (#38)
- Show add transaction button in navigation bar in desktop version (#59)
- Limit the maximum count of password / token check failures per IP / user per minute (#33)
- PIN code input supports pressing enter to confirm and pressing tab to switch to the next component
- Select amount value when click the amount text box and the amount value is zero (#36)
- Support input page number in transaction list in desktop version
- Support pressing enter / tab to use the current input page number in bottom pagination navigation bar
- Support importing OFX 1.x file with UTF-8 encoding (#48)
- Do not save transaction draft when category / account / tag is same as the initial value (#37)
- Trim trailing zero in transaction amount when importing OFX file (#73)
- Display currency code in currency selection list and support filtering by it
- Supports accessing via sub path
- Other user interface optimization
- Upgrade golang to 1.24.0
- Upgrade node.js to 22.14.0
- Upgrade docker base image to alpine 3.21.3
[Bug Fixes]
- Fix cannot click set custom date range in date filter dropdown menu
- Fix the date ranges of income and expense trends in home page is wrong (#49)
- Fix cannot add transaction some times when use Postgres database (#50)
- Fix the wrong display order of savings accounts and certificate of deposit accounts
- Fix trend analysis not reload data when set custom month range in mobile version
- Fix "Save Display Order" still displays bug when adjusting the order and then restoring the original order for transaction categories, transaction tags and transaction templates in desktop version
- Fix clientSessionId not regenerated when use duplicate in desktop version
- Fix the account list page shows skeleton and account info at the same time when reloading the account list in mobile version
- Fix wrong size of button icon in Safari in desktop version
- Fix the popup menu of bottom pagination navigation bar not disappear after page number clicked in desktop version
- Fix wrong time zone (#41, thx @Miguelonlonlon)
- Not allow to input or paste when amount input is set to read only or disabled (#36)
- Fix default parameter value not set for export command line (#80)
- Fix cannot filter transfer in transaction with transaction tags (#82)