github mayswind/AriaNg-Native 1.3.2
AriaNg Native 1.3.2

latest releases: 1.3.8, 1.3.7, 1.3.6...
2 years ago

AriaNg Native v1.3.2 Change Log

  1. Update AriaNg to 1.3.2
  2. Add executing custom command on startup
  3. Add context menu for textbox
  4. Add playing sound after download finished (#94)
  5. Add checking for updates on startup
  6. Register torrent/metalink file associations when use windows installer
  7. Update electron to 21.3.0
  8. Change minimal supported nodejs version to 14
  9. Other bug fix and user interface optimization

Notes: Since AriaNg Native 1.3.2 changes windows installer, you should uninstall the older version of AriaNg Native installed by the old msi installer.

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